LONELY \\ fraser + james

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{ some fluff to get me back into the feel of things, send requests for a ship or whole one-shot }

Fraser scratches Kenji's chin as he admires him. He's lost track of what's playing on the television, too caught up in his own thoughts and the pretty puppy on his lap. With his mind wandering freely he finds his thoughts somewhere they usually don't go; or rather somewhere he doesn't let them go. The comforting thoughts of someone's warmth beside him and holding him close. It's almost foreign imagining it being reality, yet he longs for it. Maybe it's the stress he's been under from moving, or his lack of motivation. No matter which, or if it's something entirely different, he doesn't like it. He's itching for any kind of comfort, simply the touch of someone who cares. He can't help but wonder if he'll always be lonely in this way. Sure he has friends, but no one special. No one to cuddle up with while the rain pours outside, no one to softly kiss in between laughter. Stuck in his own thoughts he doesn't even notice the few tears dripping down his cheeks, or that Kenji has left him. "Fraser, we-" James starts to say as he enters the room, cutting himself off once he sees his best friend. "You alright, mate?" James asks in worry, Fraser quickly looking over to him. "Oh, uh, yeah," he stumbles over his words, hurriedly wiping his cheeks of the stray tears. "Are you sure?" James asks, walking over and sitting next to him on the couch. Fraser is quiet for a moment, simply shrugging with a sigh. "It's alright," James smiles at him slightly, wrapping him in a hug. Fraser smiles, closing his eyes as he hugs back. It's comforting knowing he does have someone who really cares, even if they're just a friend. Maybe he just really needed a hug, a hug from someone who truly cares and loves him. "You wanna talk?" James asks as he pulls away, Fraser already missing the contact. "Nah, could we just watch something?" Fraser questions. "Only if I get to pick this time," James smirks. Fraser just laughs, "why not," he shrugs. James gets up to grab the remote, putting something new on as he sits back down. Fraser scoots over a little closer to James and rests his head on his shoulder. James wraps an arm around him as they both get comfortable. It's now Fraser realizes he couldn't have asked for anything else just as nice as this.

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