Chapter 10- The Assembly

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Chapter 10- The Assembly

Kayla's PoV:

Spending time with Jasper and Gemma was so easy, so comfortable. The difference of being around them, versus the drama I experienced with Greg, is night and day. I don't know if Greg saw me with Jasper, or even if he was in the dining hall, but I finally could breathe relief now that I am not around him. We all made fun of each other for the amounts of food we had on our plates, but it was all in good fun. As we were wrapping up our food, the fifteen minute warning chimed for the first classes. Gemma noticed my concerned look, and chimed in quickly,

"Kay, your class is on the way to ours I believe. Please please please let me walk you!" Jasper chuckles at her but looks at me expecting an answer. I nod, and they both smile, standing up and gathering the trays. They carry the trays over to the conveyor belt, and I grab everyone's bags. When they come back, Jasper grabs all of the bags and gives me a look, almost challenging me to protest.

"Fine, but only because I'm lazy and I don't want to carry anything," Gemma laughs at me and wraps an arm around my waist. I jump away and she lifts her hands up jokingly in surrender, "sorry Gemma, I just... it hasn't been a great couple of days"

"You're good cutie, besides," she twists one of the strings from my shirt in her finger and steps closer to me to whisper in my ear, "I'm patient." My breath hitches in my throat as she giggled and kissed my cheek

"Okay Gemma, that's enough. Do I need to walk in between you two?" He laughs and separates us with himself, and she hugs his side. Jasper shakes his head and we all keep walking, enjoying the lighthearted mood of this morning. My class wasn't far from the dining hall, so it was a quick walk. As we got to my class, I expected to just grab my bag from Jasper and walk in, but he gestured for me to continue walking.

Greg was already sitting in the room, obviously pissed. I stopped in my tracks, and Jasper bumped into me, but automatically moved to stand in front of me, separating Greg and I. Rather than leading me to my seat, Jasper took me to the front of the classroom to Master Whitehall. Already looking serious, he greeted me, which confused Jasper.

"Kayla, I and the other faculty were notified about the situation, and we want you to know we are here to help however we can," Jasper just looked at me more confused than before, "Jasper, thank you for escorting her here, I'm glad she has someone like you during this time."

"I um, any time? I'm not fully aware as to what's going on, but Kayla is very special to Gemma and I," he turns to look at me and handed me my bag, "If you need anything, just let me know, Gemma and I will come to walk you to your next class after this one, so just stay here with Master Whitehall until I come, okay?" I nod as Jasper walks out of the class, taking one last chance to glare at Greg. Too scared to go sit next to him, I awkwardly stand up front where Jasper left me.

"Oh, of course, Kayla," Master Whitehall's voice lowers so the rest of the students can't hear him, "I've moved your seat next to the door, so you'll be right here. Don't worry, I'm separating all subs and Dom's for today so you don't have to stand out." I make my way to my new seat, as he returns to the front and talks to the class. "Today is going to be a bit different people, to start with, we are going to separate into two groups today, dominants and submissives. We have some important topics to discuss today, so please make your way to your designated area quickly." The groups separate and everyone finds their new spot, "Perfect. Now, after this class, rather than going to your second, Mrs. Carter has called for an assembly, so please make your way promptly to the auditorium and wait for further instructions."

It was happening... I knew it was going to have to happen soon, but I didn't realize how soon. I sit silently in my seat, ignoring the class discussion, and wasn't pushed by the discussion leader, who was obviously filled in on the situation with the discussion being centered on the importance of feeling safe and being comfortable with using safe words.

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