Chapter 24- Called Out

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I am currently writing this at 1:30 in the morning, exhausted and hyper off of an uncountable amount of chocolate-covered espresso beans. I was so close to sleep when my brain decided "Hey, let's break the dam on this writer's block and keep this idiot up through the night" SO here I am, buckle up kiddos cuz I'm not even sure this is gonna make sense in my own head.


Kayla's PoV:

As a class, we left and walked towards the dining hall. After the honest conversations we had when the game ended, I don't think anyone was quite ready to get back to their friends and act as if they were not bothered. It felt really amazing to be able to stand in line and get to know some more people.

Rather than looking around the room to find a seat, the girls I was getting to know pointed to a table near the doors. I walk with my tray as I hear someone call out my name

"Hey, KayKay! Over here, hun!" Looking up, I see that Sebby was waving his arms around with an open chair next to him. The rest of the small 'crew' I've made was at the table looking my way, but I just dropped my head and kept walking to the table with my classmates. The drama I've caused in such a short time is too much to put onto anyone, let alone such amazing people I care about.

If Jasper and Gemma are going to have a pyramid dynamic, they need someone experienced who can bring something beneficial to the table, not just inexperience and fresh trauma. Shaking my head, I fight off the negative thoughts in my head and tune back into the conversation going on at the table.

As we dug into our food, the conversation turned into another game of never have I ever. This time, however, it was a fantasy game, things we all wanted to do but had never tried. Some people were graphic, detailing moments they had only dreamed of, while others, much like myself stayed in the safe zone of things such as the number of times they've fantasized about cumming in one scene or being teased for a long period of time. However, one person said something that piqued my interest.

"Never have I ever participated in a primal scene with my submissive," primal play? The game continues and while the majority of the table moves on easily, I make a mental note to look into what primal play consists of when I am alone at some point. The game continues, and as we slow down on eating, someone rests their hand on my shoulder.

"Kayla, I think we need to have a talk," I look up to see Sasha looming over the table. While he is Sebby's submissive, he definitely demands the respect of those around him in public. I quietly get up and follow him out of the dining hall, taking and dropping off my tray as we go. We walk down the hall and sit on a bench a bit aways from the sounds of the eating crowd, "So what are you trying to do exactly by avoiding everyone? I am glad to see you actually getting to know people here, but Bastian was quite upset when you blatantly ignored him," I sighed and looked away.

"Sasha, Jasper and Gemma were there.. I just.."

"So your new plan is to avoid everyone until either Jasper gives up or your feelings go away? Kayla, I hate to disappoint you, but that isn't how life works," he stands up and begins to pace back and forth in front of the bench. "So tell me, what is this master plan, Kayla. I want to help you, but I seriously think you need to figure out what you want."

"That is what I am trying to do! It isn't fair for any of us to be in this position, but what would be worse is for me to be around while I have no idea what I want or have any idea how I want things to play out. I just wanted to have a normal experience here. I trusted the administration with the decision of choosing my dominant, and they screwed it up fifty ways to Friday. Right now, all that is going through my head is how to move forward in this life from the trauma. Like the idiot that I am, I stood up in front of everyone and said that Greg would not break me, but damn if it isn't being held together with layers of ducktape...."

"Kayla, you can't hold onto all of this by yourself, you need your friends to help support you."

"Then support me, Sasha. Tell me what to do," I break down crying as he enveloped me in a hug. Rather than this being a sob of helplessness, it felt healing, like I no longer had to carry the burdens of the pain alone, that while I still need to figure out everything, I have a friend walking alongside me.

"It is going to hurt, but Kayla, you need to be honest with the two of them. Gema is the most switchiest submissive I have ever met, and Jasper clearly is falling for you day after day. It is a sad fact, but when you are in the room, he can hardly pull his eyes away from you to even look at Gemma. So we've got a couple of options: the first option, we could sit down and tell them that you aren't interested in anything with the two of them this rotation, we could tell them that you want to be with them both, bring on the drama and jealously trying to navigate that, or if you have any ideas I would love to hear them."

"What do you think would be best, Sasha?"

"Personally, I have no clue. If you join them, it could be an amazing learning experience for you, you would see how it is to be dominated by both a man and a woman, and honestly be able to witness what a healthy dynamic is supposed to look like. However, you also could opt-out of the entire situation and stay being the only single person here. This would be a serious opportunity for you to learn about what you are into personally and find your own boundaries and preferences before having any compromise from dominants. Either option would be a good opportunity for you, but avoiding the choice is only hurting everyone involved," Crap...... He's right. How can I choose?



Y'all this was a hot MESS to edit, and I don't even think I fully understand everything my caffeinated brain was trying to convey to yall.

I already apologized to the group chat, but I wanted to let you all know personally that I am sorry for the long wait in the update. 

Love you always!


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