Epic Vampire Story ch.1

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Killer vampires this, sparkly vampires that... Aren't you tired of all of it? Don't you wish someone would write about vampires that aren't that much different that you? No? You want the sparkles? You want the gore? Then go away unless you like cool vampires, evil humans, romance, action, world domination, pretty ball gowns, and evil robot monkeys.

Does that sound better than Sparkles and blood? Still no? Well, ok I get the gore being better but seriously? Are you retarded? If you would rather read about necrophilia and bestiality then drop this book right now and go beg forgiveness. On the other hand if you are interested in this book then you must be a smart person. Or at least one I can get along with. At least for now.

Anyway, are you like me? You hate prologues because they aren't that interesting and the story would be exactly the same without them for the most part so you just completely skip it? Yeah I thought so. And if you do read prologues good for you, but meanwhile I have nothing else to say and I want to get this started.

So without further ado, let's go man!

Oh and also, from here on out it's not me talking ok? So... Author is out, PEACE!


Of course you've heard the old fallback stories for vampires. Ones like Dracula, Twilight, or True Blood. The uh... "usual" stories. But this one is new. I bet you've never heard the story of when a vampire tried to take over the world. Sounds familiar? Well, whatever story you're thinking of...Is the wrong one. No, this story has never been told to humans...At least, Not any humans who are STILL humans for that matter.

No actually, all of the Humans, or Mortals, whichever you prefer, that met these Vampires, and remembered, are now currently Vampires. At least most of them are, either that or dead. In fact, if we hadn't changed their names, you might discover that you know one of them. But, that is something you don't want nor need to know. But actually, I think you'll find this story VERY interesting, one way... or another...

I might as well introduce you to our characters, so first off we have Clyde Crivolt, a normal everyday teenager, who wants good grades, a fairly good social life and a girlfriend. Oh, and has an unnatural obsession of wanting to find and turn into a real life vampire. It's understandable though, considering that when he was around seven or eight his mother left him alone with a horror fiction freak for a baby sitter. Unfortunately, he's near clueless when it comes to them. His knowledge of vampires is limited to fangs, blood, and burning in the sun. But it's actually a good thing that he's so clueless because the nearest Vampire nest is only a few miles away from his bedroom window...

Speaking of, we go to Violet and Raven, the two main characters of our story. Raven is a troublemaker and a good one at that. That's probably why she and Violet get along so well in the first place. Violet evens her out. And aside from being a troublemaker, she is also a Generation Vampire.

You see, Vampires are set up in three groups: Generation, Bitten, and Sparkles. Generation vampires are the children of two other vampires. I know, it's "not possible" Just...don't ask. Bitten vampires you can understand just from the name. They are vampires who were mortal once but were turned into vampires by another. Sparkles are a bit more difficult to explain. No one knows how or why they happened but no self righteous vampire likes them. They can walk in daylight but sparkle in it. It's really moronic but who's to mess with Mother Nature I suppose...

Back to out story, Violet is more of a stick-to-the-rules don't-do-it type. This probably comes from her being a Bitten Vampire. Bitten Vampires are required to follow their biter's orders until the biter says other wise. Not only does that rule come into play, but also the fact that Violet was bitten by Damien, the head vampire. And even though he only kept her under orders for about three weeks, she still listens to every word he says. Quite an obedient one she is.

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