Epic Vampire Story ch12

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When Raven reached the room, Violet and Morgana were no where to be seen. She walked into the room, expecting to find them, hiding, but no one was there. This made her anxious.

    'What could have happened to them?'  She thought to herself. It wasn't like either of them disappear of be late, especially when there was a life threatening battle for the sake of humanity and vampirity alike. She checked the watch again. Eight ten. She sighed, and said, "Well, damn."

     She waited another five minutes before deciding that she should go look for them. On her way she ran into and fought more guards until she found her way into the main room. She now understood why they hadn't showed up. Every single one of them had been cornered somehow or another and they were all fighting their own battles. History had a strange way of repeating itself, because just like the previous two times, it was Damien against Clyde, Pip against Kevin, and Violet keeping others away with Morgana's help.

     Sighing, Raven extracted her claws and jumped into action, knocking out at least twenty people before she even reached her friends. Looking to see who needed the most help, she saw they were all doing just fine, and decided to blend in with the crowd for a moment. That is, until Kevin kicked Pip smack dab in the face.

     "Didn't your mother ever teach you not to hurt girls, asshole?!" She said, punching him in the gut. Unfortunately, as Kevin fell, Clyde jumped. Noticing Raven punching his best friend, he flipped over Damien and grabbed Raven's by the arm, trapping her in his clutches.

    "My, my, my. I do believe that someone is in trouble."

     Just as Raven was about to kick him in the crotch, Morgana jumped out of the still fighting crowd and snatched Clyde, making him release Raven. She flung him up in the air and on his way back down, kicked him into a wall. He went all the way through the dry wall, which gave them time to literally finish beating the rest of his troops. By the time he walked back in, hand holding his aching head, they were waiting for him.

    "Welcome back!" Raven greeted him "Guess what? We're going to give you a five second head start. One...Two...Three... Well? Get going!!!" She added as he stood still.

     Realizing what she meant, Clyde took off running without a moment's hesitation. All five of the others took off after him, all taking different route to reach him. Violet caught up with him first, but he was prepared.  Before she could grab him, he punched a nearby wall and made the hallway collapse in, leaving Pip and Violet behind a wall of rocks.

    "Sorry! We'll be back if you don't make it out!!" Raven shouted, still running after Clyde. She was now in the lead and she wasn't planning on losing him. But just as she reached out to grab the collar of his shirt, they reached one of the balconies that led right back into the main hall. Clyde took his opportunity wisely and jumped straight over the banner, flipping and landing perfectly on his feet below.

    "See you in a few!!!" He shouted as he ran into Damien's room.

    "Oh no he doesn't!!" Damien shouted, aiming a fireball for him but just barely missing as he ran through the door. "Dammit!" He jumped down too, running up to his door. He started slamming on it while Raven ad Morgana followed him down. "Open this fricking door, dammit!!!! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ANYTHING IN THERE OR SO HELP ME I'LL-" Suddenly they heard the sound of glass braking.

    "Whoops, sorry!" Clyde shouted through the door.


     Clyde wasn't listening to Damien in the slightest. He was trying to figure out a way out of the mess he had gotten himself into. All of his troops were unconscious, and he was currently up against the two oldest vampires of all time and Raven. The last thing he wanted to do was put raven in danger, which got rid of quite a large number of ideas, right off the bat.

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