Epic Vampire Story ch9

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After Raven heard Clyde's words, she was much happier. Not only did she have a reason to keep on going, but now she knew it was possible to make him good again. This gave Raven new meaning, and now she was the exact opposite of guilty and depressed. She was lovesick and joyous.

Meanwhile, the Ceremony was fast approaching, and now with the dance and Clyde, they had their plates full. While most of them were training and planning strategies for the next and hopefully final time, half of the girls would be talking about the dance that was in three days. They knew it wouldn't be as elegant as it had been the past years, but oh well. It was still an excuse to dress up and get a date, as far as they were concerned. In fact, Raven was even getting ready.

As for Violet, even though she was still mad at Damien, it was time for and Pip to have their annual 'battle', as they called it, over him. Even though Pip always won, Violet still liked to play. Besides, the only reason Pip won was because Violet usually gave up half way trough. It was also an excuse for her to get to dance with him, which she had used every year since she was bitten. This year it looked as if Violet might actually have a chance though, seeing as Damien was equally pissed off at both of them. The winner was often declared by whoever kissed Damien first. This was usually impossible on an ordinary day, but all too easy for them during the dance. As for why, that was simple. The 13th of November was the day of the Ceremony, and the one day of the year that Damien would loosen up a little and... have something to drink. Yes, that's right; he would get drunk, giving Pip and Violet the perfect chance to sneak up on him. And the best part was that the next day he would have absolutely no recollection of what had happened the previous night. It was a perfect setup for the two, and they used it.

Forgetting about the ceremony, none of the girls had brought their dresses, thus they needed new ones. And seeing as Violet had been right about Clyde announcing Vampires to the world, Every Vampire in the world could walk freely. Well...Almost freely, that is. Most people ran away, not wanting to be turned, while the rest of them either didn't notice or didn't care. In fact, quite a few gothic teenagers started stalking the Vampires and begging them to turn them, though with no avail. Anyway, this meant that the girls would be able to just go out and get new dresses, which was a great relief to Pip.

"Oh, good, I don't have to go out and buy them all myself like I have to every time someone's gets ripped or torn or burnt or dirty with something I refuse to clean or..."

"Pip...Pip. Pip!!" Raven shouted trying to stop the rant that would go on for hours left untamed. "We get the point."

"Oh, right, sorry..."

The day before the Dance, all of the girls went out to get dresses. Before they left they each grabbed a purse, and Pip gave them each a two hundred dollar spending limit. This accounted for the dress, shoes and any accessories or makeup they may want.

"Where do you get this money Pip? I mean, it's not like you have a job or anything...Do you?" Raven said when Pip handed hr and Violet each their two hundred.

Pip laughed and said, "No I don't have a job. But I'll let you in on a little secret." Violet and Raven both leaned in so she could whisper to them. "...It's none of your business."

Raven and Violet stood back up, shocked. Raven burst out, "You stole it?!"

Everyone stared at them with shocked looks on their faces. They were clearly scared that this was the truth. Pip sighed in exasperation and said loudly so that everyone could hear, "Oh my god...We didn't steal it. The governments of the world know about Vampires, and in order to keep us from killing everyone, we get five thousand dollars a month. It's been like this ever since Vampires were forced to live in the shadows and go without jobs. Damien even attends the worlds meetings with all of the other countries so that he can speak for us."

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