Epic Vampire Story ch10

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Back at the home mansion that was now being used fore evil, Raven was locked in her and Violet's old room, being held prisoner. While in the D.R.E.A.M. Clyde had apologized to Raven for abducting her in such a crude fashion, explaining that he just really wanted to use the robot. He also informed her that she wasn't actually a prisoner; she was more of a guest.  

     She was allowed to have anything she wanted, anything at all just on request. All she had to do was shout and someone came running, ready to serve her chocolates, buy her a new outfit, drive her into town, and even dance around like a monkey for her. She was allowed to go almost anywhere in the mansion that did not have a sig on it, but if she wanted to leave Clyde had to come with her.

     It was really annoying to her though, because no matter how hard evil Clyde tried, Raven still was angry at him. She did love him even if he was evil, but unless she wanted to talk to him on actual terms, she refrained from showing any sign of affection, but when she did he was just like a puppy dog.

     As soon as she uttered he words, "I love you," he would revert for a short period of time and become prince charming. But when he effects wore off, there was nothing she could do, because as soon as they did, he would blush furiously and stomp out of the room.

     Aside from all of that, it was quite a nice time. If Violet, Pip and Damien were there, and Clyde wasn't evil, it probably would have been a marvelous time.

     Every night, she ate dinner with Clyde alone, and when she was almost done, she would say the magic words, making her whole day worth while. Sadly, during the day she had nothing to do. Clyde was too busy trying to finish his world domination to do anything with her, and everyone she could hang out with or talk to was a snotty teenager who most likely acted like a brat in Raven's presence; so, she spent the majority of her days bossing them around for the hell of it.

    "Hey, you." She said one day, "Could I get a TV I here?"

    "Of course, milady, I'll have it sent up straight away..."

   "Make sure it has HD!!!" She shouted after him.

     She flumped back down onto her bed and looked over at the empty one beside it. Violet had made sure to make her bed before they left, wanting the new vampires to know that she was a no a slob. Raven laughed at the memory of Violet's exact words.

    "Well, if someone uses my room, then I want it to be nice for them."

    "Even for the enemy?"


     At the sound of footsteps, she popped out of her daydream and sat up, hoping to see a sixty inch being carried in. Instead, in walked a girl who looked like hot topic threw up on her.

    "Master Clyde says he needs you. Something about an announcement, I believe."

     Raven sighed, getting off the bed to follow her. Downstairs, they found Clyde sitting in Damien's thrown and at leas a hundred vampires staring at him.

    "Ah, here she is!" He said, seeing Raven. He motioned for her to sit down to the stool that used to be Pip's and continued, "Attention, all of you! I have a very important announcement to make! As many of you know, recently we have taken into our care Raven, the girl to my left. And, I know many of you are wondering why..." There was a general murmur of agreement and curiosity throughout the room, as he went on to say, "...But know you will find out! In all honesty and truth...I am glad to present you... Queen Raven."

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