Epic Vampire Story ch7

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·Evil Tech·

Suddenly, Clyde shot up just has he did when Damien punched him in the stomach, but this time he was cold and sweating. He had just woken up from a dream, no, a nightmare where he had killed Raven. Admittedly, it wasn't he who did the killing. It was a robotic horse, tall and horrifying, making Raven scream for her life.

As much as the dream terrified him, he had to admit that robotic animals were a good idea. He took a mental note, while at the same time, vowing not to hurt Raven with them.

He flung his feet off of the bed and stood up. It was time to get up and get dressed for another day of screw ups.

If it wasn't one thing it was another, with the miscommunication, the disobedience, and the failure to comprehend. The majority of the time though, it was purely the fact that almost none of them knew how to bite and turn someone correctly.

"I told you, a minute and five seconds, no more, no less!!!" He yelled at one of the lackeys one day. "Less means you didn't do anything and more will result in death!!" He had learned this from prior mishaps committed during biting.

It seemed hat lately, he was constantly mad at someone for something or other weather it had affected him or not. And when he wasn't mad at someone for doing something stupid, he was still mad at Damien. The only time he wasn't mad at anyone or anything at all was when he was asleep.

Alternatively, when he was asleep he couldn't stop thinking about Raven. It seemed that even though he was evil, his heart still worked just fine. He also couldn't stop thinking about what she had said. Every night in his dreams he heard over and over again, '...I do love you. Just a different you...' in Raven's voice. This was probably the reason that Clyde supposedly wasn't as evil in his sleep. One night, Kevin walked into his room to check on him (he had not said good night) and found him sleeping normally with a smile on his face.

Then one day, when Clyde was not angry and had not been pissed off in the slightest, Mark, who was one of the nerds from the technology department, ran up to him.

"Um, excuse me sir...?"

"What is it?" Said Clyde, sighing.

"Well, we have something you might want see..."

The nerd led Clyde into the mechanical room. This was where the nerds and the kids who were good at Science were stationed. As Clyde walked in his eyes instantly set upon a rather large robot. Well, it wasn't actually done, so it was actually more like, the legs of a rather large robot. He gazed at the shining metal, astounded.

"Do-does it actually work?" He asked.

"Well, not yet, no. We need to install the head and the chest cavity before that. The chest is where we will be placing the operations system along with the mainframe. A single occupant will be placed in the base of the cavity, where they will be able to control the robot's movements, functions, and weapons system."

"Wow...You got that entire idea off of TV didn't you guys?"

There was general nod and murmur of agreement from the room. Mark, the nerd who had led him in and explained how it worked, then said, "Of course, where else would we get the idea?"

"Right...Well anyway, I've been meaning to tell you an idea of mine... A few nights ago I had a dream, and..."

Clyde explained his idea of the robotic animals to Mark. He made sure to be specific about which animals to make, none too big that they would trample anybody. Clyde didn't want his dream coming true.

The Nerds all thought his robotic animal idea was simply wonderful, and were amazed at his creativity. Apparently, every idea any of them had though of, had either come from a TV show, a movie or a book. The fact that Clyde just dreamt the idea up was unthinkable for them, and instantly they all thought knew why he was the boss.

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