Epic Vampire Story ch3

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·Bite Marks·

"Hey, where has Damien been the last few days?"

It had been about a week Violet, Raven and Clyde had seen him and they were getting bored. They and aught Clyde everything he needed to know about being a Vampire and Raven was ready to bite him. Alas, they could not commence with it until Damien got back from who knows where.

They had asked Pip several times but all she responded with was, "He'll be back soon, you don't have to worry."

"We're not worrying," Raven had said, "We just want to hurry up and get this biting thing over with. We're tired of waiting. It's been three days since he's learned everything already, come on!"

"Oh, for the love of... He'll be back from his trip tonight Ok!? You can bite him then..."

Pip stormed off and into Damien's office. Violet snuck up from behind and said, "You ever get the feeling that Damien's not on a trip...?" Clyde ad Raven both jumped. Violet had laughed and walked away...

It was now four hours after the above conversation. Six O'clock. Violet, Raven, and Clyde were waiting in the front room for Damien. Clyde was staring at the front door but Raven and Violet knew better. They were staring at the door to his office. Sure enough, at exactly 6:10 Damien walked out of his office, hair ruffled up with a sort of evil smirk on his face. Raven and Violet looked at each other and laughed silently.

"Wait, if he was on a trip then why did he come out of...?" Clyde whispered to Raven.

"Sssh!" Violet and Raven both said. They both knew that the stairs to Damien's room were in his office, and they both knew that that was the only room Pip had entered all day. They giggled some more then looked back at Damien, broad smiles on their faces trying to act as if they knew nothing. The act didn't pass though.

"Alright I get it, Stop smiling..." Damien said with an essence of pink on his face.

This time they couldn't hold it. They burst out laughing and rolling on the floor.

"I-I can't breath!" Raven shrieked, tears streaming down her face. "It's too much!!!"

The same went for Violet. She was gasping for breath on the floor, making noises that sounded like a guinea pig.

Damien sighed angrily and cleared his throat loud enough so that they could hear him. Instantly they gathered themselves ad stood back up, still giggling with repressed smirks on their faces. Damien rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Raven, you can bite Clyde tonight, Ok? The three of you should be out here at ten, got it? Dress nice..."

He put his hands in his pockets and walked back into his office and Violet and Raven resumed their laughing fits.

"So... What's so funny?" Clyde asked, staring at Raven, who was on the floor again.

"We-we'll tell you..." She broke into a fit of giggles that interrupted her. She took a deep breath and resumed, "Upstairs!"

After they had finished with their fits of laughter, They explained what was so funny.

"Did you notice how Damien's hair was messed up?"

"And how he turned red?"

"And how Pip's the only one who's bee in his office and or room the past three days?" Violet and Raven said together.

Clyde sat in thought for a moment. When he finally got it his face flooded with shock and he exclaimed, "Oh my god!" Which sent Violet and Raven into another fit.

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