Epic Vampire Story ch13

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The next morning, Raven woke up in her own bedroom, no hint of mess or sadness in the entire room. She got up and got dressed, walking down stairs. Her head hurt tremendously, but she had no idea why.

     Downstairs, she walked into the front room, hoping to find someone. It was just as deserted as the hallways, and strangely clean. Raven then went to check in Damien's room, the kitchen, the bathrooms, the library, and even in Pip's room. Finding no one, she went back upstairs to go back to her room. On the way though, she saw that Clyde's bedroom door was open a crack, so she decided to take a look inside.

     Clyde was sleeping peacefully, with his arms and legs sprawled out far across his bed. He was snoring loudly and his blanket seemed to have fallen off during the night. Raven found all of this completely normal, what she found odd though, was that Clyde had a band aid wrap around his head, like he had an injury of some sort. No only that, but his left arm was in a cast. She gasped and ran to her room. Looking in the mirror, she noticed that she too had a band aid wrap, and that her face was covered in scratches. Looking down at her body, she seemed to be fine, just a few more cuts and bruises here and there.

     First, everyone was missing and now this? Raven couldn't handle it. Her stomach started to feel very sick, and she was feeling dizzy. She lay back down on her bed and went back to sleep for a few hours, dreaming of fighting, and kissing Clyde.

     Three hours later she was awoken to find Violet with a bag of groceries, emptying it upon her own bed.

    "Ah, good morning, sleepy head! Or should I say good evening? It's nearly four!" Violet laughed as she said it, pulling a Kit Kat from the bag.

     Raven rubbed her eyes, and pulled her comforter up over her shoulders. She didn't know why she was so cold, but she did know that her head still hurt badly.

    "What happened...?" She asked, quietly. "Why do I have a...Ow."

     Violet rushed over to help her friend, saying "Shush, It' ok. Just stay lying down. You don' need to get up for a while, okay? I'll explain everything after a nice dinner. Does that sound good?"

     Raven made a sound that signified yes, and then dosed back off to sleep.

     When Raven next awoke, it was to the smell of pasta, spaghetti to be exact. She opened her eyelids and sat up. Violet was shutting the door with a tray of food in her arms.

    "Hello," she said, setting the tray down in front of Raven. "I brought you some food. This was what was left over from when Clyde was human. Pip said you needed to eat while you're injured. Otherwise, you'll never heal!" She set the tray down and turned on the TV that one of the servants had brought in before. She turned in to Cartoon network and let raven eat.

     When Raven was finished, she set the tray off to the side and asked, "...What happened?"

    "Well...That depends. What do you remember?"

     Raven thought for a moment. What did she remember? Her head started to hurt again as she replied, "Well...I remember you and Pip, Damien and Clyde...And Morgana...And... I remember turning Clyde back to normal, so he's not evil anymore. But, what happened after that? After I kissed Clyde I blacked out...Oh, my god, I kissed Clyde."

     She blushed again and covered her face. Violet giggled, saying, "Yeah you did. And it was a long one too. But, back to the point...When you kissed Clyde and he turned back, you guys were kind of...lifted up in the air so when you fell you both got hurt pretty badly. Morgana said that she had never seen anything like it, so we couldn't have done anything. Clyde is fine, and Pip says that you should both be fine by next week. But, well..."

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