Epic Vampire Story ch6

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As the group of beaten vampires walked slowly towards who knows where, Raven was still sobbing. On one hand she couldn't believe that that was Clyde. It couldn't be. On the other, she felt guilty for not doing her job as a vampire. She didn't take him out when she had the clear chance.

Damien had not said anything about it but she knew he was mad at her. He had a look of defeat on his face that just shouted anger. Though Raven didn't know it, it wasn't actually anger towards her. The only person he was mad at was himself and Clyde partially.

He was obviously mad at Clyde for the whole thing. He alone had just ruined the entirety of vampires. He ruined it even more than Twilight did. And that was a lot. He was also mad at him for taking their house, converting the entire population of high school kids in the area, and he had messed with Raven. Damien wasn't exactly sticking up for Raven himself, but even he knew that you don't mess with a girl like that, even if you are evil.

Plus he was mad at himself for letting the whole thing happen. He still felt guilty for not noticing something earlier and stopping it before it happened. All of that along with not taking Clyde out himself when he had the chance made him feel even worse.

He continued walking with a defeated and somewhat sad look on his face, hoping to get to the next nearest vampire house as soon as possible. Unfortunately, as close as it was it was still twenty miles away. This would involve walking for hours if not days. Damien was actually planning on having them walk all that way until Violet came up with a better idea.

"Damien, tell me you're not planning to have us walk all the way there. Because if you are I will kick you. I swear to go I will."

"Uh... well I..."

Violet kicked him hard in the shins before continuing, "Wow. Does it really matter if we stay out of sight at this point? Clyde's probably going to announce it to the whole world on National news first thing tomorrow anyways!! Let's just take the bus or something, come on!"

Damien looked around to see that the remaining Vampires still with them were not only tired and sore from walking all day, but half of them were injured from fighting. Nothing major, but bad enough to slow them down a bit. Also, it was a sure thing that they were just as depressed about the defeat as he was. He sighed loudly and said, "But I really don't want to get there in a hurry. I really don' like them..." An evil gaze from Violet changed his mind. "Ok fine. Pip did you grab the money?" She nodded as she held up a small purse stuffed full with cash that she had grabbed before the battle just in case. "Ok...To the bus station!"

Everyone stopped and stared at him. Violet patted him on the back and said, "Nice way to sound dramatic, dude." She went and grabbed the bag of money from Pip so that she could pay when they got to the station. Knowing that they would probably have to walk somewhere after the battle, she had looked up a map of the nearest station on her laptop. She led them to it and paid for tickets for all of them.

When the bus came they boarded in silence. Luckily, no one else was on the bus besides them so that put Damien somewhat at ease. It was a half an hour drive to the city where they needed to go, so many of them took the opportunity to have a short nap.

Raven spent the entire trip staring out the window, thinking about Clyde and what had happened. She still felt fully responsible for making this happen. Even though she had no idea that it would happen, she felt that Clyde turning evil was her fault seeing as she was the one who bit him and it was her love for him that turned him this way in the first place.

Pip did the same, although her feelings were towards herself. She felt stupid for not telling Damien and was depressed about it, because the question about the money bag was the only thing he'd said to her in the past two days. Basically, she was moping.

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