Epic Vampire Story ch5

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Kevin went to school the next day the same as usual. It was a cloudy day so it didn't matter, and either of his parents seemed to notice his changed appearance. He continued his school day as usual, right up until after lunch.

Earlier that morning...

"So...It's agreed?" Clyde asked.

Clyde had followed Kevin to school and broken into the principal's office. During the morning, he...persuaded, shall we call it, the principal to hold an assembly after lunch...an assembly where he would convert the entire school into an army of evil Vampires, willing to do his bidding so that he could take over the world.

At first, he wouldn't agree. But then when Clyde told him that he could just as easily rip him to shreds, his mind changed rather quickly.

"A-Agreed...In fact, I quit...You can be principal and train them here even ok?" he said as he stood up and gestured to the seat, shaking.

"Good. Now, remember the consequences if you tell anyone. Understood?"

The principal nodded vigorously as he ran out of the room.

"Good..." Clyde said to himself as he sat down in the chair. He pressed the little button on the intercom and continued, "Attention students, today after lunch there will be an assembly in the auditorium. All students are required to come. Thank you."

He took his finger off the button and smiled in small victory.

During lunch, Kevin went down to what was now Clyde's office.

"So I see it went well." Kevin said as he walked in. "Now what?"

"At the assembly, we're going to have to lock all of the doors, so no one runs. And just this morning, four people came through here, so I turned them." He gestured towards a group of people lying up against the wall, sleeping. "If we're lucky they'll wake up by the time we start biting them."

One of them moved, and groaned. She opened her eyes, and yawned, causing Clyde and Kevin to stare at her.

She looked around and saw them staring at her she gasped and said, "Ok, So why was I just asleep, why are two vampires staring at me, and why does my neck hurt?"

Kevin looked at he puncture marks on her neck. They weren't round like his and Clyde's were. They were oval shaped. Kevin looked at Clyde and pointed towards the girl, obviously asking why her bite marks were weird. Clyde simply shrugged again and said, "She wouldn't stop squirming..."

The girl sighed, closed her eyes and said, "I'm a Vampire too now aren't I...?"

When she opened her eyes Clyde and Kevin both nodded. This was followed by an awkward silence in the room, only disturbed by the other three student's breathing.

For the rest of lunch they explained what was going to happen to the school to her. One other student woke up, so they also had to go through the whole speech with him too. On the bright side, they both seemed fully cooperative. It seemed that they were also nerds who wanted revenge on the school, and would be totally willing to help. And on the even brighter side, the girl, whose name was Alex and was also actually very pretty, even agreed to be Kevin's girlfriend.

"Yes!" Kevin said, feeling awesome for his (not very great) accomplishment.

"I told you you'd get a girlfriend," Clyde said, smirking. "Now, come we must get ready in the auditorium."

They all started to walk out the door, Clyde leading the way and Kevin's arm around Alex, when she said, "What about the other two in there?"

"Just leave them. They'll wake up soon enough, by which time everyone else will be a vampire too." Clyde said.

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