Epic Vampire Story ch8

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Clyde couldn't sleep the entire night. And while most would blame it on him sleeping for almost three days straight, Clyde decided on a different excuse. Once more, he couldn't stop thinking about Raven, but this time it wasn't the words she had said, or any fantasies. It was the nightmare he had about her getting killed by the robot animals. Every time he closed his eyes, all he could see was the image of raven getting trampled, over and over again, as if his mind was in permanent loop mode.

Raven, on the other hand, was having quite a similar problem. Unfortunately, it was the exact opposite. Every time see opened her eyes, guess what she saw? You guessed right. The reason she saw it like this was probably due to her sleeping with her eyes open at the time. In fact, after she was done crying, Violet gave her yet another lecture about it...Which, in turn, caused her to start crying again, and Violet to feel bad again.

Pip had gone to get some hot chocolate, Raven's favorite drink, to try to calm her down. It worked somewhat, but now Raven was afraid to open her eyes. It was one thing to have the image of someone dying burned into your retinas, let alone yourself dying.

"What the hell am I supposed to do now?!" Raven screamed, still sobbing violently. "If I can't open my eyes, then how am I supposed to do anything?! I can't walk, I can't write...Dammit, I can't even eat!!!" She flung her head into her hands and wailed so loudly it caused Pip and Violet to cover their ears.

Raven continued to cry for the next forty five minutes. Though Pip and Violet tried to comfort her as best they could, she only shut up when Damien came in and screamed at her, blood shot eyes gleaming.

"For the love of god, shut the frick up!!!!!! I am trying to sleep and it's bad enough with every light in this house lit up like the fourth of July while all of the Fanpires play their dumb games and shows!!! I do not need your wailing and screaming coming from the room straight above mine at twelve at night. So, if you would kindly SHUT. UP. We will all be happy. Understand!?"

As Damien panted, recovering from his rant, Violet, Pip, and even Raven stared at him wide eyed and shocked. He slammed the door making them all jump and stomped back downstairs. Pip and Violet looked back and Raven, expecting more crying. Instead, she blinked.

"...It's gone...That was scarier...much, much scarier..."

Raven stood up and walked slowly to her and Violet's room. Violet and Pip stared at each other.

"Well....I guess that's uh....over with...huh?"

They sat in awkward silence for a moment. Violet stood up and said, "I'm gonna go now..." as she left.

Three days later, all four of them were watching TV in a room full of chairs. They were he only ones in the room, everyone else was training or on the computer. Damien held the remote, head resting on his hand, channel flipping. The other three were waiting silently, waiting for him to find something.

Then Damien got into the lower channels the news flipped on. He was flipping so fast, they barely heard it say, "...Vampires wreaking havoc downtown..."

Immediately, they all sat up as Damien flipped back to the news.

"...It seems that the entire, if not most, population of teenagers from Vicks Mill, the town twenty miles east of us, have been turned into Vampires. About an hour ago, the entire lot of them marched in, followed by what looked to be robotic house pets. They started biting everyone who came within five feet, and now there are hundreds who have bee bitten and are collapsed behind me. By the looks of it, the whole operation is being led by a young man named Clyde Crivolt. In fact, he's here right now. Clyde, what do you have to say about this? What's your reason for it?"

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