Epic Vampire Story ch4

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The next day when Violet, Raven, Pip, and Damien checked on Clyde, he was completely turned into as vampire. He was just as pale as the rest of them, white fangs gleaming in the light. Bags under his eyes just like theirs and everything.

He still wasn't awake yet, but he was turning as he slept.

"Well...let's speed this up a little, shall we?" Damien said. He walked to the side of the bed and shoved his hand down into Clyde's stomach.


Clyde jolted up, grabbing his stomach in pain. Damien, whose hand was still over Clyde, didn't pull it back fast enough causing Clyde to slam his forehead straight into Damien's fist.

"OW! DAMMIT!" Clyde said, now grabbing his stomach and head. Raven and Violet were both standing with their hands over their mouths. Damien had pulled back his hand and was now standing moving his mouth as if he wanted to say something but couldn't think of what to say. Pip started laughing.

Clyde stopped holding his head and looked up. Everyone stared at her. She continued laughing almost harder than Raven and Violet had been yesterday. When she looked up ad saw everyone staring at her she said, "You felt the most painful thing on earth yesterday... and the first thing that happens to you the next morning...is getting hit in the face!"

None of them saw it as very funny. They just stared at her even longer. They figured she would stop laughing sometime, but when it went on too long Damien sent her out of the room.

"So, anyway..." Damien looked back at Clyde. "Um...First of all, sorry about uh...hitting you just now and um...such... And, uh, secondly, congratulations I guess. The rest of your things will be brought in tomorrow, so...enjoy your first day...Bye." He walked out awkwardly, obviously feeling stupid for hitting him. When he opened the door they heard Pip still laughing violently, now on the floor.

"Come on!" Damien said to her. They walked downstairs as Violet shut the door.

Clyde looked at his hands and saw that he had been turned. He reached up for his mouth and felt his fangs. Then he smiled.

"Sweet! I'm actually a Vampire! I really am!!!"

He got out of bed and ran out the door. Violet and Raven followed him downstairs and outside. It seemed like he was trying to test out his vampire powers that he assumed he had. He was trying to jump up the tree and apparently succeeded by his standards, even though he had only managed to jump straight into the first branch that was about 6ft off the ground. As amazing as it was for a human, it was pathetic for a vampire.

"This is awesome!!!!" He ran up to Raven and hugged her tightly saying, "Thank you!" making her blush once more.

He continued running around trying to see if he could do anything else, though he was rather limited.

"So, what are you going to do?" Violet asked Raven.

"What do you mean...? You mean with Clyde? Being his boss-?"

"You know what I mean. You Like him. And he likes you. So...what are you going to do?"

"Uh... I..."

"It's Ok... You don't have to say anything...I get it."

Violet smiled as they continued to watch Clyde run around. Raven smiled too.


"What is it?"

"Did you hear that...?"

"Hear what...? Did they say something important?"

A sudden idea appeared in Pip's head.

"No...never mind..."

Epic Vampire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now