Epic Vampire Story ch11

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Raven's new problem was figuring out how to lock lips with Clyde before the wedding tomorrow. She looked at a clock and did the math. If it was three O'clock right now, then she had roughly twenty three hours to kiss him. This meant getting out of her room, talking to Morgana for help, finding Clyde, giving him a reasonably excuse to kiss him, all while not getting caught.

     Easy, right? Yeah, she didn't think so either. First of all, kissing Clyde was one thing, but, as soon as she gets close to him he reverts, making it even more of an awkward situation. Plus she would have a hell of a lot of explaining to do once he gets transformed back, but that was beside the point.

     She took a deep breath, this time for courage, and changed back into her regular outfit. Opening the door just a crack, she peeked her head out into the hallway. Seeing no one, she tip-toed out.

     'All right,' She thought, 'First things first... I have to find Morgana. As far as I know, she's probably in the kitchen...Hmm...ACK!'

     Not paying attention, she had forgotten to look around the next corner to make sure no one was there, and in her foolishness she had ran head first into someone. Looking up, she saw someone who caused her to squeal.

     "Morgana!" She said, relieved. Now she didn't have to go all the way downstairs, this would help greatly. "I've found you! Listen, I have great news and I-"

     Before she could finish, Morgana hushed her once more.

     "In here!" She shoved Raven into a nearby supplies closet and followed her, shutting the door quietly. She peeked through the crack in the door as two girls walked by, talking. "Listen, I'm not supposed to be out of the kitchens, they're going to notice I'm gone any minute now, and neither of us will be safe. We need to hurry and figure out how to fix Clyde because, not only will he be unfixable after tomorrow, but He'll be dead." Raven gasped. "That's right; Damien sent me a message saying hat they're coming to save you tomorrow before the wedding. If Clyde isn't back to normal by then, they're going to kill him."

     Raven gasped again, but looked up at Morgana and said, quite happily, "But they won't have to!! At least, I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I've figured out how to turn him back!"

     Morgana stared at her, confused, saying, "Really...? How...?"

    "I just have to kiss him! Remember how you said I just needed to show him the ultimate sign of affection? What shows more affection than a kiss?!"

    "That's great! Oh...crap."

     Just as she predicted, they had apparently noticed her disappearance. A loud and unnecessary voice came on he new loudspeaker that Clyde had had installed saying, "Attention all house occupants, a very dangerous and highly skilled maid who is against out cause has escaped. It is believed that she kidnapped the soon to be queen, and is holding her hostage. Please be wary and keep a look out for her. That is all." The speaker clicked off and suddenly they heard what was most likely the sound of a hundred or so guards and helpers  rushing to look for them.

    "Now what?" Raven asked. "We can't leave or they'll find us, and if we stay they'll find us too!"

     Morgana hushed her once more, then stepped passed her. She moved a couple of cleaning supplies on a shelf, and then touched the wall.

    "Morgana, what..."

     The effects of the invisible button Morgana had pushed answered Raven's question before she could even finish it. The floor had dropped our from beneath them, sending them down a dark tunnel that twisted and turned, eventually dropping them into what seemed to be a large pool full of pillows.

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