Epic Vampire Story ch2

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No one answered of course, because they were all waiting for him to walk in on his own. Clyde figured that the 'party' was busy and that's why no one answered. So, he pushed on the door and cracked it open a little bit. No one seemed to have notice as far as he could tell so he poked his head in and said, "Hello?"

Violet and Damien had been talking quietly, Pip had been reading a book she had brought down, and Raven had been worrying. At the sound of his voice they all looked up.

"Well don't be shy, come in." Damien said, with a smile on his face as he pointed to the chair.

Clyde pulled the rest of his body through the doorway and started walking towards the chair. He almost bumped into it because it was so dark.

"I thought this was supposed to be a party type of thing? why is there no one here? And why is it so dark?"

Raven, who was just out of Clyde's view, looked back and Violet who gave her a look that said, 'Well, go on!' Raven looked back at Clyde and started explaining the Situation.

"There is no party. I made that up to lure a mortal here so I could have some fun. Instead I got in trouble and now I have to bite you."

"Wait a minute...'mortal'? 'Bite'? Y-you're..."

Raven closed her eyes, stepped into the light and whispered, "Vampires."

For a minute it was as if time stopped for Clyde. He looked at Raven from head to toe and saw that she was telling the truth. Her pale skin and gleaming fangs were enough proof for him. He didn't know weather to feel overjoyed or terrified. On one hand his life-long dream had finally came true.

'Vampires,' He thought. 'Real life, up close vampires!'

On the other hand, she said she had to bite him. This meant either one of two things. Either she was going to turn him, or she was going to kill him. Which of he two were more likely?

As he sat their realizing that he was going to die, he couldn't help thinking, 'On the bright side, when she goes for my neck her boobs will be on my chest...' And, hey, who could blame him? He is a fifteen year old.

Raven opened her eyes to see him shaking, wide-eyed, clenching the arms on the chair. Not only did she feel bad for herself, but she felt bad for Clyde. He would have to give up his entire life...School, friends, family... and all because she waned to play a stupid joke. But then she realized something.

"Wait a minute," The sudden break from the suspense made everyone jump. "I put that this would be a party for Vampire Believers...Only someone who actually did believe in vampires would come. So that means..."

Raven looked at Clyde straight in the eyes, and she could tell she was right. She turned around and looked at Damien.

"This wouldn't be a punishment for him, it'd be a reward!"

Damien and Violet looked at each other but didn't know what to say. Before anyone could even think of anything though, Clyde blurted out, "A reward? Since when is dying, even at the at the hands of a Vampire, a reward?! Even for a fanatic!"

The room was filled with an awkward silence until everyone said, "What?" except for Pip who hadn't been bothering to pay attention to the situation.

"What do you mean 'what'?" Clyde said, almost angry by now, "You were planning on killing me and now you don't even acknowledge it!?"

Once again the room was filled with silence followed by confusion from the group. This time though, Clyde was speechless. He figured that he was right all along. It must be a prank. No vampires could actually be this stupid. But then again, wouldn't the joke be over by now? They had already seen him scared almost to death. Wasn't that enough?

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