Dancing With A Stranger

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I waited in the empty parking lot, until I saw Jordan walk to me.

" you ready" I nodded following him to his car

We got in

" so tell me about yourself" I looked at me with a smile

" well Im a straight A student, I'm an Aquarius and I'm boring"

" No your not actually, your different"

" how" I let a laugh escape from my lips, he smirked

" Well, your sweet and innocent"
" not a lot of girls are like that so when a good guy comes around theres no good left" I looked at him. I brushed a side of my hair back


It was super crowded When we had gotten there.

" Here hold my hand" he told me I looked at him he tilted his head "so you don't get lost" I grabbed onto him
Walking through the house.

I stood stiff next to the stairs while Jordan was talking to some girl that was dancing a bit loosely.

I spotted Josh and Chris in the kitchen.
I practically ran over "LJ, hey I can't believe you actually came"

" yeah" I hugged her

" babe, could you get us a drink" she asked Josh he kissed her head anx walked away

" who'd you ride with"

" His name is Jordan" Josh handed me a drink I took a small sip of vodka

"wait, Fisher as in Jordan Fisher" I nodded she laughed as her eyes widened

" What" I asked

" drink" she said I did taking 4 large swigs

" Jordan is a liar manipulator and a dirty dirty guy"

" really, he didn't seem manipulative when we're talking"

" LJ look at him" she pointed

That one girl turned in to 3.

" he's just a dog looking to bone"

" a few years ago you could have said the same about Peter"

"  What do I know" she walked away

I looked back over to Jordan, this time he caught me looking.
He walked over, I turned so my back was facing him.

" you look lonely" instead of touching my shoulders he turned me using my arms

" dance with me" he whispered in my ear

" I can't dance"

" anyone can dance"

He pulled me onto the dance floor.


I was officially tipsy. A part of me wanted to go home and just cry but another part wanted to stay and experience life like all teenagers should.

Dear PK/ Peter and lara jeanWhere stories live. Discover now