Moving In

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The women watched the heavily muscled men move their possessions from the truck and into the house. Kay and Umiko were scoring the men as they passed by, Yukiko could be heard directing men in placing her piano in the great room and Shinju was flipping through a Vogue magazine, folding the corners of the pages of clothing and makeup she liked.

Kay watched several men carry large ornate Asian sculptures into the home. "Careful with those" she said in a dangerously low voice, catching the eye of one of the movers who gulped. Yukiko came to the foyer and clapped her hands, catching the women's attention.

"They're almost done! Soon Umiko and I can get down to the basement and set everything up. Shinju, update Mother on our progress" she said brightly as she turned to assist a mover. "Who died and made her leader?" Umiko muttered as she bent down to tie Kay's shoelaces together. "I did" Yukiko said as she went back into the mansion.

"Really?" Kay sighed and untied her laces, "that's a shit prank coming from you". Umiko scowled and said "I'm fucking bored. Can't wait to get to work", her brown eyes glittering with evilness. Kay ruffled her hair before standing up, "you're adorable when you're evil" she said laughing.

A sleek black car drove up the driveway. "I can't fucking believe that someone bought that shit house! Old man Yamashito gunned down his entire crime family in there! Before blowing his own fucking useless brains against the wall! Best fucking scene we ever worked!" He crowed as he elbowed his partner who was driving.

The man scowled at his obnoxious partner and pushed his hand away. "I'm driving. Touch yourself if you need someone to hold" he said in a sexy, raspy voice. "Ah fuck your hat old man! This is gonna be great!" Hidan chuckled gleefully as the car parked behind the nearly empty moving van.

The sound of closing car doors alerted the women to their presence. All four of them stood on the porch and waited to see who was there.

Hidan stepped out in a tailored black Armani suit with a white button down shirt. The first several buttons were undone, revealing a toned chest. Black Oxfords clicked against the stone as he walked to the front of the car. He leaned against the front with his hands in his pockets, sneering at the women in front of him.

The driver stepped out wearing a dark grey Marc Jacobs suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and narrow waist. A black button down shirt hid his toned body and a silver tie pin glittered in the burgundy tie around his throat and brown leather shoes announced his steps. He approached the women with Hidan trailing behind.

"Hello" he said, standing tall with his hands at his side. "Hi" Shinju purred, offering her hand, "I'm Shinju. You are..." she trailed off. "Kakuzu" he said, taking her small hand in his large one briefly. "Name's Hidan" his partner said, pointing to himself. "No one cares" Kay said to him. Hidan's face became red and he was about to retort when he felt Kakuzu's hand on his shoulder.

"When did you arrive in town?" He asked Shinju. "Yesterday. Haven't been out to see the sights but I don't mind this one" she said as she ran her index finger down his chest, toying with his tie. He frowned at her touching him but said nothing.

"What do you do? Where do you work?" Hidan asked, his magenta eyes roaming over Umiko. She looked back with a deadpan look but was mentally drooling over his toned chest. I wonder what the rest of him looks like, she thought.

"Oh, a little bit of this, a little bit of that" Shinju said. "We're harmless, really". "I doubt that. Women are never harmless" he said as he scowled.

"Either way! Nice to meet you, goodbye, we'll call you" Kay said as she began shooing the men away. Kakuzu and Hidan turned to leave and Shinju and Umiko watched their tight muscular asses as they walked back to their car and left.

"Why did you do that?! I was collecting mental images for later!" Umiko ranted. "We have to be careful. This is the most dangerous time, before we're set up and receive our orders," Yukiko said, "but I wonder if there are other hot men in this town".

"What do you mean "other hot men"?! That Kakuzu guy was gorgeous! Did you see his shoulders? What about his eyes?! And his sexy voice! Can't wait to hear him scream my name" Shinju said, lost in thought. "We've lost her" Kay remarked.

The women went inside and finished unpacking and hooking up their command center. The glow of the monitor's screen brightened the darkened room. A few key clicks and Shinju said "we're live. Mother should be calling-" she was cut off by the sound of ringing. Shinju reached over and pressed a button on a speaker on the table.

A thick, heavy European accent with a posh feminine voice said "Hello my loves. Are you settled in?"  "We're getting there, Mother" Yukiko said. "You've completed the necessary pre-mission steps?" "Yes. No abnormal results this time" Umiko said. "I'm glad to hear that. I'll be sending Tenno to keep an eye on you girls, especially after the fiasco in Amegakure" the clipped accent said. "You set off ONE bomb before it's supposed to blow and everyone loses their minds" Kay muttered. "Silence! You WILL obey my commands or I WILL toss you to the gutter you came from!" "Yes Mother" they said in unison. "Good. Keep settling in. My instructions will arrive with Tenno" she said before the line went dead. "Well, that's that. What's for supper?" Umiko asked.

Kakuzu sat in front of his computer screen, scowling that there wasn't any dirt on Shinju. He hadn't bothered to get the other's names and he was regretting that now. He knew that beauty often hid darkness and he felt something was off about the group who had just moved into the former Mafia home.

"Hey! Shit for brains! Robbery came in, dead body, they want us" Hidan said as he gulped down his coffee and stuffed a donut in his mouth. "Maybe after we're done we can get some goddamn food! Fucking doubles" he said. Kakuzu grabbed his jacket and with long strides, was nearly out the door before Hidan caught up to him. "What's the fucking rush?! The dead dude isn't going anywhere!"

The coroner looked over the body almost as if he was bored. Another gunshot wound to the head. He sighed, nothing really challenged him anymore. The deaths weren't creative, the bodies were leaving his office like an assembly line and the worst part was dealing with the Homicide team. "Hey red shrimp! I'd say it's good to see you but I hate your fucking face". "The feeling is mutual" Sasori stood, removing his gloves.

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