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Umiko sighed as she read the latest toxicology report. "Cyanide and arsenic were detected which isn't surprising." Yukiko sat up from being hunched over her microscope, stretching her arms and back. She sighed before answering "there's two poisons left to consider but since the Nurse Betty homicides coroners and doctors are on the look out for sodium chloride. That just leaves succinylcholine. It metabolizes quickly so if we can create a lag between the target getting medical attention, then we can ensure most of the drug is out of his system and therefore relatively undetectable."

"So we'll need to coordinate the hit, the poison's half life and the emergency response. I guess all of us are going to be in on this one" Umiko said as she put her used surgical instruments on a tray and into the autoclave. "I have a surgery in the morning. I can take what the anesthesiologist doesn't use; they never use a full vial and what is left is always incinerated as medical waste." "That sounds good but how are you going to get it to me?" Umiko paused, her index finger on her chin, "meet me at noon at the cafe two blocks down from the hospital, the one with the bubble tea you like. I can give it to you there."

Yukiko sat on a chair in the cafe as she waited for Umiko to arrive. She was enjoying her taro bubble tea and observing the people around her. It seemed to be either couples or professionals working out last minute business details.

Her phone vibrated and she looked at the screen: I have a night off and some cold wine. Want to come help me drink it? "Why are you looking at your phone like some kind of schoolgirl?" Umiko asked, sitting down on a chair. "No reason. Just research." Umiko made a 'mmhmm' sound before asking "is it that little reporter friend of yours? Be careful, that's all I'm going to say. Here's the Sux," she said as she slid over a book. Getting up she loudly said "I really enjoyed that book! Thank you so much for lending it to me Yui-chan!" before leaving the cafe and heading back to the hospital. "You're welcome, Umi-chan" Yukiko laughed as she left the cafe to head back to her lab.

"Kay? Kay?! KAY!" ".....mmmmWHAT?!" "You were sleeping again. Pay attention!" Yukiko demanded. "This is how it's going to work: you're going to infiltrate the conference and using the VIP pass Shinju so helpfully got for you, you're going to infiltrate and observe our target during the after party. The poison is in here," she tapped a regular looking pen, "if you depress the button, the syringe needle will pop out where the pen part should be. Just click and stab. It doesn't matter where.

Now! It will take some minutes for the target to die. People will panic and a few will try to help. Shinju! This is where you come in! You need to prevent the emergency response from reaching the target for at least 10 minutes, 15 would be best. Umiko will be standing by at the hospital where he will he brought to and will ensure the target dies and as much Sux is out of his system as possible." Yukiko finished.

"One last point," Tenno said while raising his gloved finger, "just before the announcement of target's death, Shinju is to drain them of funds but this time Mother wants his research intact. So please, do not destroy the research; package it and I'll get it to Mother. That is all. Dismissed!" He said.

"Ooooooh Tenno...that was kind of sexy. You sounded like my old commanding officer..." Kay said as she got up to leave. "I wonder if you really have the stones to command people around" she said as she left the room, glancing at him over her shoulder.

Was...was that an invitation? Or a challenge? Tenno wondered as he straightened up the room.

Yukiko pulled into the driveway of the address that Konan had texted her, marvelling at the modern renaissance mansion. Stepping out of her car, she adjusted her short black skirt and sleeveless lavender blouse. Her heels clicked on the flagstones on the path. Reaching the door, she knocked several times before Konan answered.

She opened the door wide to show her in a simple black camisole with black silk short bottoms. "Come on in" she said warmly as she stepped aside for Yukiko to enter. "I feel like I'm overdressed" Yukiko said, laughing a little in her nervousness. "You look great so don't worry about it. Lavender is a pretty colour on you. Follow me." She said as she led her into the plush living room.

A fire was burning in the white marble fireplace, a polar bearskin rug was on the floor, and crisp modern furniture surrounded the room. Yukiko sat on the rug, petting it a little, and accepted the glass of wine Konan handed her. "Nice place" Yukiko said. "Hmmm? Oh this? This is my sanctuary, away from work and away from..never mind. I'm glad you're here" she said as she clinked her glass with Yukiko's.

The two made small talk as they reconnected and drank the wine. Setting her empty glass onto the coffee table, Yukiko looked at Konan who was skimming over a draft of her news report. She crawled, quietly, on her hands and knees over to the engrossed woman. When she was close enough she used her index finger to turn Konan's face towards hers. Konan's amber eyes looked into Yukiko's blue ones before they closed and she kissed Konan.

The report fell from her hands as Konan placed one of her hands on the back of Yukiko's head to bring her closer while the other fiddled with the buttons on her blouse. Yukiko broke the kiss, panting slightly, before bending down to kiss Konan's neck and shoulders. Small moans came from Konan as she ran her fingers through Yukiko's curly hair. "Mmmm before it goes too far, let's grab some more wine and go to my bedroom." Konan said before grabbing Yukiko's hand, another bottle of wine and pulling her along to her bedroom. Yukiko grabbed her by the waist, pulled her close and whispered "now, where were we?"

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