Cold Cases

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Hidan groaned and opened his eyes. He looked around the room and saw the doctor he had protected. Thanks be to Jashin, he silently prayed. "I must be dead cause you're too beautiful to exist" he said, a shit eating grin on his face. Umiko looked up from his chart and raised her eyebrow, "flattery won't get you anywhere. Your labs have stabilized and your internal hemorrhaging has stopped. I'm going to keep you here overnight for observation."

"Does that mean you're going to give me a sponge bath?" he asked, licking his lips. "Hardly" she replied pointing her pen at Kakuzu's sleeping form. "Awwww fuck! I knew it was too good to be true! Now I gotta look at his ugly bastard face again" he scowled. Umiko moved to leave but Hidan grabbed her wrist. "Are you ok? He didn't fucking touch you, did he?" His asked with his magenta eyes showing concern for her She smiled at him, "no. I'm ok" she replied. Hidan sighed, closed his eyes and fell asleep. She removed his hand from her wrist and looked at the tattoo inked on his inner wrist; it was an inverted triangle inside a circle. She made a mental note of it and left his room.

Kisame looked down at the woman who was laying against him. She had made herself comfortable, with her ankles crossed and her legs propped up on the arm of the seat, not caring about the looks she got from other patrons as she mouthed her favourite lines. She openly cried when the shark killed Quint and yelled "Bullshit!" when the shark blew up.

"Why do they always kill the good guy?!" She ranted as they exited the theatre. "The the good guy?" Kisame questioned. "Well...yeah!" "How is the SHARK the 'good guy'?" "He was doing population control! He was doing Amity Island a service!" Kisame stood by his car looking dumbfounded. He had never heard of anyone arguing on behalf of the shark.

"Anyways, thanks for a fun non-date" Kay said as she fished her keys out of her pocket. "You're welcome? Hey, uh, you hungry? I mean, I know a great place not far from here" Kisame said. "I'm good, thanks" she replied as she straddled her motorcycle and turned the ignition. Shit! C'mon! Think! "Wait! Can I at least have your number?" She looked at him, assessing the risk of giving him information. Finally she passed him her phone and he inputted his number. "I'll text you maybe!" She said as she rode away leaving Kisame standing next to his car as rain began to fall.

An email chime sounded in the room. Itachi looked up from the case file he was reading to look at his email. Gaara? Itachi opened the email:

Dear Dr. Uchiha;

I understand that you have been asked to consult on the assassination in the City. I believe there is a link between this execution and a similar one that occurred in Suna during my father's term in office.

I have instructed the Suna Police to hand over all their files on the case to you. They will arrive by messenger in the morning.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further assistance. I'd rather keep this matter private for now. If the populace hears that I've requested to reopen this case, panic could ensue in the streets.

Best regards,

Sabaku no Gaara

A link to another crime? He narrowed his eyes as he looked over the psychological profile he had created after reading over the assassination. White male, late 20s to early 30s, probable prior military experience based on the cleanness of the hit, had some knowledge of science and medicine. He sighed as he rubbed his eyes, no one person can create a dual DNA profile or perform complex surgery flawlessly; he must have some help. He groaned as he thought about the implications of a syndicate working in the City. Pein would go stark raving mad if Itachi brought up this kind of scenario without proof. He got up, turned off his computer and lights and locked his office door. He would continue his investigation tomorrow; for now, he needed sleep.

Deidara stood on the conference room floor checking out the few women in the room. Most were matronly types and kept his dick soft but his eyes casted around for someone remotely attractive. His blue eyes settled on a woman getting a drink at the refreshment table. She looked great from behind and if she was ugly, well, doggy style it was then. He sidled up to her and said "hey. Wanna get out of here and make a bang?" The woman glared at him before she punched him in the face. "OW, Un! What the hell, yeah?!" He screeched, clutching his bleeding nose. "Fucking pervert" she said as she walked away.

"Deidara! Deidara!" Dario called as he walked up to the injured man. "Ah you struck out I see" he said laughing at Deidara's misfortune. "That chick should've been grateful I even considered her, hm!" he said as he stuffed more napkins against his nose. "Ah well, you can always pay for company. Anyway, those casings from your crime scene, I've seen the marking before. Cold case from Kumo, during the Second Raikage's term...cold, calculated hit" he said as his fingers tapped the case file in his hand. "Look this over and get it to your people. If it's the same assassin, you guys are in for a world of shit" he said as busty blonde woman caught his eye.

Deidara stuffed the file into his bag and left the conference, seeking the company of women who will listen to him and take care of him, for a price of course.

Tenno stood in the foyer, his back ramrod straight and fighting to keep his eyes open. His encounter with Shinju had left him more tired than he had thought. He heard the rev of the motorcycle and he let out a sigh of relief. All his girls were safely home. "Tenno! I'm home!" Kay called but he was already beside her, taking her helmet and jacket. "I'm glad to see you Mistress. Would you care for some tea?" "No I'm ok, thanks though. I think I'm just going to head to bed. G'nignt" she said as she kissed his cheek. He watched her run up the stairs and heard her footfalls across the hallway and finally, the closing of her door.

Shinju paused her research, her fingers hovering over her keyboard. She looked at the time and realizing how late it was she shut everything down, removed her robe and slipped into her bed.

Tenno quietly checked on the women. All were safe in their beds and he smiled to himself. They had certainly grown on him but if anyone touched or harmed his girls, he wouldn't hesitate to cause severe, murderous harm to them.

He entered his room and stripped off his clothing, hanging it neatly to be laundered and pressed tomorrow. He turned the shower on and stepped in. The heat always felt good against his scars, especially the ones on his back. His scars told a story of a young man caught up in a dangerous world. Thankfully Mother found him before he had gone too far down the abyss of vice and hatred.

Drying himself off, his hair messier than ever, he examined himself in the mirror. He'd have to keep Shinju from knowing the ugliness that has been marked on his body. There was no way that such a beautiful woman, like her, would want anything to do with him if they saw what his years of dedicated service had done to him. He'd have to keep it from all the women.

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