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Umiko jogged across the street to the small cafe Hidan asked her to meet him at. She spotted him easily; after all, how many men had sliver hair, magenta eyes and a smirk that dampened panties?

He saw her coming and stood up, clumsily knocking over his coffee. He cursed and smiled as the hot liquid burned his hand and he embraced Umiko. She felt so good in his arms, a softness that complimented his toughness. Umiko gently pushed him away when she was done with the hug and took a seat.

Hidan ordered fresh drinks after the waiter helpfully cleaned up the spilled coffee. "You look worse than the last time I saw you" Umiko commented as she blew on her drink to cool it down before sipping. Hidan ran his hand through his hair, ensuring it was in its usual style, before snapping back "age before beauty."

Umiko giggled and he raised an eyebrow at her, impatiently waiting for her to explain herself. "You basically admitted you're old and that I'm beautiful" she said with a cheeky grin. Hidan flushed red and was about to go on one of his classic rants before he stopped himself and smiled. "Yeah, yeah you are" he confirmed.

This time Umiko blushed and she ducked her head to take another sip, hoping to hide her blush from him. Hidan gently took one of her hands in his and his thumb rubbed the top of her hand. "I've missed you" he said quietly. "Your coffee is getting cold," "don't change the subject."

She watched as he entwined his fingers with hers and waited. He wanted something, she knew it, but nonetheless she was enjoying his affection. Hidan let go of her hand and leaned back in his chair, "what have you been up to?" he asked.

Umiko leaned back in her own chair and crossed her legs. She played with her fingers as she filled him in. "Working a lot, especially during the Black Virus outbreak. Taking care of a few personal projects and generally being out of your reach." Hidan looked at her, his eyes taking in every detail. "Is that your way of saying you ghosted me?" He asked, a smirk on his lips. Umiko hummed a noncommittal response but couldn't help smiling at him.

"You're a complicated bitch" he laughed but the laugher soon died away when he noted her angered expression. "Not a bitch, you're not a bitch" Hidan quickly reiterated but Umiko still looked annoyed. She began gathering her bag and preparing to leave when Hidan abruptly stood up, walked over to her and pulled her to her feet by her arms. He slammed his lips on hers, his rough ones against her soft ones, and a pleasurable sensation flooded through Umiko's body.

She pulled away and slapped him across the face. Hidan looked shocked, then angry and then surprised as she yanked him back towards her and took the lead, her lips on his, her tongue entering his mouth and he groaned softly. Before breaking the kiss completely, Umiko bit his lower lip hard enough for a small amount of blood to seep into his mouth.

Hidan licked his sore lip and tasted the blood. The sting from the wound wasn't unpleasant and he wanted more. Before he could move again, their waiter cleared his throat, returning Hidan to his surroundings. "The fuck you want?" He growled. The waiter handed him a bill and left, not wanting to deal with whatever Hidan was going to yell at him. Hidan stared at the bill, threw it onto the table and tossed the money and small tip into his still full coffee cup. "Enjoy your tip, fuckhat" he muttered.

"Really? That's kind of childish, don't you think?" Umiko asked and Hidan rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, chuckling "probably but it makes me feel better." She took his hand and began leading him away, "what am I going to do with you?" She asked, rhetorically. "Hmmmm love me?" Hidan replied half seriously. She turned to look at him and wondered if she could really succumb to his charms and actually fall for him.

She knew she shouldn't as Mother had a strict policy on not fraternizing with the enemy but it was lonely sometimes, working at the hospital, working in the basement lab, and he was so handsome. She thought back to the last time she had risked having a lover and a relationship and had a hazy memory, long faded from the passing of time.

"Hey, Umi, you ok?" Hidan was asking, snapping his fingers to catch her attention. "I'm fine. I was just thinking about something at work." "Hey," he said softly, stepping close to her, "you can talk to me. I'm a fucking idiot but I'll try to help you" he said. She placed her hands on his broad chest and rested her face against his muscular pecs. "With all this going on, I just want to feel safe." Her words tugged at his heart, the one he swore to Kakuzu that was black and unfeeling, and he encircled her small body in his strong arms. He kissed the top of her head and whispered "I'm here. I'll protect you."

Umiko smiled at him and pulled him down for another kiss, this time a steamy one.

Hours later, with the moon in the sky and the stars glowing brightly, Umiko clomped down the lab's steps. Yukiko looked up and smiled, "how was it?" She asked. Umiko blushed and waved her off before heading to a cabinet full of supplies, selecting a swab and running the cotton tip against the inside of her cheeks and her tongue. She slid the now wet swab into a vial and snapped off the stem, handing it to Yumiko. "Sequence this, minus my DNA of course, and get it ready for application. I'm going to bed." With those instructions passed on, Umiko headed to her room for the night.

A soft bzzt let Yukiko know she had a new text. She picked up her phone and smiled to herself. I would like to continue this conversation in public. I have arranged for us to have dinner Thursday night at your favorite restaurant. Please dress appropriately and be there by 8.

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