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Shisui ended his call as the car pulled into a nondescript concrete building built in a military style. A bunker from a bygone era.

Agents grabbed Tenno by his arms and pulled him from the car, standing him on his feet. "Welcome!" Shisui said cheerfully, spreading his arms as if he was greeting Tenno at a party, "to the blackest black site we have! No one knows this place exists except for a select few agents. Why are we at a black site?" He asked as he walked into the building and down its hallways with the agents, and Tenno, following.

"Because! According to the Espionage Act and the Protection Of Nations Act, we're allowed to operate these sites without interference from other authorities. You see, even Nations need to commit crimes...legally" he finished, his normally cheerful disposition becoming dark and sinister.

Stepping into a bare concrete room with a single rusted hook hanging from the ceiling, the agents hooked Tenno's shackles onto the hook. He had to stand on the tips of his toes to be able to take the strain off his shoulders. Shisui pulled an old wooden chair loudly towards Tenno, spinning it around so when he sat down, the back of the chair was in the front and he lazily rested his arms on it.

"So, tell me Tenno Hatake, why did you kill Obito Uchiha and your brother, Kakashi Hatake?" Shisui asked, feigning concern and innocence. Tenno smirked and looked at the ceiling; the hook was securely bolted to the ceiling; it was not a means of escape. "No comment" he replied, looking into Shisui's eyes.

Without missing a beat, Shisui switched his line of questioning, hoping to offset his opponent into making a mistake. "Ok then, why did you disappear after the War? You've been marked as MIA, possibly KIA, for years and you didn't bother to let the authorities know you were alive." "No comment" Tenno replied.

Shisui waved an agent over and nodded. The agent stepped forward and tore Tenno's shirt from his body, leaving angry red welts where the fabric had bunched and tore at his skin. "I need answers Mr. Hatake. Or can I call you Tenno?" Tenno remained silent, waiting for whatever was to come next.

A crack! followed by a scream filled the room with sound. It echoed off the walls and reverberated in their ears. "Ah, sweet sweet music" Shisui sighed and stood up from the chair. Tenno grit his teeth, angry at himself for showing weakness.

Without warning Shisui strode over to the caught man, grabbed a fistful of his grey hair and pulled hard, "who are you working for?!" he demanded to know. "No...comment" Tenno grunted in reply. Shisui let go of his hair and punched him squarely in the face, feeling Tenno's nose break and crumble beneath his fist. "I will find out! And it won't be good for you!" Shisui warned, his canines flashing in the weak light of the room as he snarled at Tenno.

This is just like my beginning. Change the players but the script remains the same. Tenno braced himself for more punches and was met with a barrage of them, leaving him spitting out blood and teeth and doubled over trying to catch his breath. Shisui landed a punch to his ribs and Tenno felt them crack; he grunted from the pain and the new restriction to his breathing. "Boss...he's not going to crack. Should we call him?" A burly agent asked. Taking a moment to weigh his options, Shisui nodded, "call him."

"It's so beautiful tonight" Yukiko said softly as she looked at the twinkling stars in the sky. Itachi sat behind her with his arms wrapped loosely against her body and his lips leaving soft kisses on her neck and shoulder. "Hn" he murmured, his mind elsewhere. Yukiko leaned forward, breaking his loose hold on her and turned to look at him, concern on her face. "Are you alright?" She asked softly, gently cupping his face. "I'm sorry, work is on my mind" Itachi replied apologetically.

He felt his phone buzz in his pocket. "Excuse me" he whispered, giving her a small kiss, and stood, walking to the back of his car for privacy. As soon as he answered the call, Shisui's voice spoke "Ita! Listen I need you to do me a favor. Well, not really a favor, more like your job. Anyways, the target won't talk so let's make him talk! Put yourself on speaker!"

Itachi knew what was expected of him, had been waiting for this day since he was first ordered to go undercover. "Yukiko," he called out, keeping his voice light and neutral so as to not startle her, "come over here. I have a surprise for you." "Oh! Ok" she said, getting to her feet and walking to Itachi.

When she was close enough, he stepped into her view with a black pistol in his hand, aimed at her. "Itachi? Wha-?" "Get down on your knees" he ordered coldly.

She remained still, her mind still reeling with this sudden change in Itachi's personality and this change in her situation. Her hands lithely and subtly searched for her phone but Itachi held it up, a small smile playing on his lips. "You really need to secure your possessions better" he said while taking the phone apart, tossing out the battery and removing the SIM card. He then threw the phone on the ground and stomped on it before slipping the SIM card into his pocket. He gripped his gun again and motioned with it for her to obey. She slowly sank to her knees.

"Tenno~ I have someone on the phone for you~" Shisui sung to him, turning up the volume on the device and placing it close to the bound man. "I-Itachi...why are you doing this?" Yukiko's voice asked, sounding somewhat tinny coming from the small speaker. No! How?! "Awww are you getting upset? Good! Answer my questions or she will DIE!" Shisui roared before kicking Tenno between his legs.

He bit his lip hard, causing blood to pool into his mouth, but he'd be damned if he made a single sound to please this sadistic fuck. How to get Yukiko out of the mess he'd caused?

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