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"Ugh! He smells!" Shinju complained as she helped Umiko place the body in a dark and creepy alley. She felt like they were being watched even though they were alone. She had cut the power to the CCTV cameras in the area so she knew they wouldn't be captured on film. "Quit your bitching princess. We're almost done" Umiko replied, dropping the dead man's legs to the ground.

"Why here?" Shinju asked as she wiped her hands using a sanitizing cloth she had brought with her. "Because Mother wants a distraction. A "herring" I believe she called it. And this is the best we have at the moment. Come on, move him just a little more." Shinju growled and moved the man's upper body towards the wall. "Ah!" She exclaimed and held her hand. A small cut began oozing blood droplets and she quickly pressed the sanitizing cloth to the cut, hissing as it stung the cut.

"You didn't get any blood on him, right?!" Umiko asked slightly panicked. They looked the body over but couldn't find any blood. "No, I don't think so" Shinju said after searching. "Ok, keep with the plan" Umiko encouraged.

She took out the DNA gel that Yukiko had created and smeared it on the body's defensive wounds and the knife they placed at the scene after using it to cut the man's shirt open and carve the Jashin symbol into his flesh. Umiko also mutilated the body beyond physical recognition to prolong the time for identification.

Shinju shook the can of spray paint and drew the Jashin symbol on the wall above the body. The paint dripped down, making the symbol look archaic and menacing. "Ok, we're done here. Let's go" Umiko said, placing the used gel sheet into a bag along with the spray paint can. She'll have Tenno dispose of those.

Yukiko ran her hands down the lavender fabric and smoothed it out over her hips. "The color suits you Mistress" Tenno said from behind her. "Thank you" she replied and watched as Tenno slipped her heels on. "I don't agree with this but unfortunately I don't have the authority to keep you all at home where I can keep an eye on you" Tenno said, somewhat frustrated. "We'll be fine. You can't keep us locked up. We need human interactions besides you" Yukiko gently lectured as he helped her down the stairs to the foyer.

He handed her her bag and helped her into the sleek black car. He entered the drivers side and turned the engine. "No, you're right, however, be alert and don't fall for his charms" Tenno chided. Yukiko reached out and ruffled his already messy grey hair. Tenno scowled and she couldn't help but giggle at his reaction. "Drive, please." "As you wish."

Itachi sat at the table he had reserved. It was in a private area and a roaring fire added to the romantic atmosphere. He double checked that his tie was straight and that his pocket square was placed properly. He rearranged the flowers and dinnerware on the table and nervously swept his bangs from his face. He then glanced up at the waiter who was leading a beautiful woman to his table.

Itachi's breath caught in his throat as he looked at her. The dress was cut to accentuate her slim figure but show off her rounded hips and breasts, her hair was in an updo with curls escaping from the confines to frame her face. Her lips were a pale pink and full and he had a brief thought of wondering what it would be like to kiss them. He was transfixed by her transformation from when he first saw her in a simple dress with her hair in a messy bun at the bookstore.

Itachi stood and held her chair out for her, earning a glare from the waiter who had wanted to do it for her. Itachi sent him a look and the waiter quickly backed off after taking their drink orders.

"You look beautiful" Itachi said to her quietly. Yukiko blushed and thanked him, remarking that he looked handsome in his suit. They ate and drank and got to know each other. She found out he was a cop, a psychological profiler to be exact and he found out she was a scientist working in the humanitarian sector. Itachi couldn't take his eyes off her and soon found himself losing track of time as he fell more and more under her spell.

His reverie was broken by the sound of his cellphone ringing. He cursed, thinking he had placed it on silent, and turned it off without looking at the screen. "I'm sorry, please continue" he said, slipping his phone back into his suit pocket. "Actually I am a little tired. I think it's time I went home. I have a project proposal to go over" Yukiko said, moving to push her chair back.

Itachi stood and helped her from her chair. "Do you need a ride?" He asked when they stepped outside the restaurant's door and she shook her head no, her curls around her face tickling her. Without thinking, Itachi reached out and tucked the stray curls behind her ears and his hand lingered as he looked into her eyes. He was drawn to her, like a gravitational pull, and he found himself not wanting to pull away. Instead he bent his head down and gently kissed her.

Yukiko let out a small startled gasp as she felt his lips touch hers. He was so gentle, so kind and polite, and she wanted to know him more. She returned the kiss, pressing her lips against his. The loud sound of a horn honking broke the moment they shared and Yukiko turned around to see Tenno sullenly sitting in the car waiting for her.

"Who is-" "I need to go" Yukiko cut him off, giving him a soft smile before she turned at went to the car. Tenno helped her into the car, unaware that Itachi had taken a quick photo of him with his phone. Itachi gave Yukiko a small wave as she drove away and smelled the scent of lilacs lingering in the air from her perfume. I could grow to like lilacs, Itachi mused as he opened his phone and checked who had called him.

"Shisui, sorry I missed your call. Yeah? Yeah... Thank you, I owe you one! I'm sending you a photo of someone. I don't know who he is but... why? Cause there's something about him that I don't trust. Yeah. Yeah. Ok I'll send it. Thank you" he finished, ending the call. He sent the photo of Tenno to Shisui and hoped the uneasy feeling he had was just him being overly cautious.

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