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Kay pulled down on her short black pencil skirt, trying to add some length to the short fabric. "Are you alright?" a concerned scientist asked while handing her her pass. She clipped it to her blouse and ignored the man. Fucking hell...and fuck you all! she ranted internally at her colleagues who had insisted on putting her in this ridiculous outfit. She grabbed a free coffee and somewhat shakily made her way over to the tables, praying she wouldn't break her ankle in the heels.

Signing with relief, she sat down and scanned her environment taking note of the various scientists, researchers and other intellectuals who had flocked to hear Boy Wonder speak. Several men approached her and her table but she made herself unapproachable and hostile and they meekly moved on to a different table.

"We can sit here. There are plenty of seats" Kay turned to see who was speaking. "But Dr. Hoshigaki there are much better seats closer to the stage!" a female's voice said. "If you insist, you can sit here" Kay said, gritting her teeth on the word 'insist'. "What's got you so tense?" Kisame asked her, sitting next to her and flashing her a toothy grin. She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder, "long night, uncomfortable clothes, don't want to be here" she stated. His assistant frowned at how forward she was being. How dare she touch him! And when did they get to know each other?! she pouted.

"Wake me when the boring part is over" she murmured as she snuggled into Kisame's shoulder and dozed off. He smiled and wrapped an arm around her before turning his attention to the stage where loud cheering and applause had erupted. An average height teen with black spiky hair, slightly pointed ears and pointed canines walked up to the microphone and began to speak. He clicked a remote and slides flashed across the screen. Kisame soon became engrossed in the presentation.

What felt like hours later, he was gently shaking Kay awake. "Hey. It's over. C'mon." he said as she sat up and stretched. She took the hand he offered and got to her feet. With the heels on she was close to his height and his hand rested on the small of her back. "I could get used to you in heels, like this" he whispered and a blush spread across her cheeks. "Never mind that, I need food!" she exclaimed as she held onto his arm as he lead her to the refreshments.

Munching on some fruit she watched as Kisame and his assistant talked to Boy Wonder and tried to decide the best way to approach him. She needed some kind of diversion... looking at her feet she smiled. She swallowed, wiped her hands and fished out the poison pen from her breast pocket. Kay walked over to the crowd that had gathered and promptly tripped over her feet, sending herself crashing into him. He fell to the floor with her on top of him; if this hadn't been a mission she likely would have enjoyed this but work was work. She clicked the pen and as her nails dug into his thigh she stabbed him in the thigh.

"Oh my Kami, I am so sorry!" She said as Kisame helped her back to her feet. "It's fine," Rin responded as he got to his feet, "are you hurt?" he asked her. She shook her head no and melted into the crowd as Rin clutched his chest and began panting heavily. "Are you alright?!" various members of the crowd asked him, growing frantic as Rin continued gasping and struggling to move his limbs. He fell to the floor and people began calling 911 on their phones.

Her screen lit up with various numbers calling. Pressing a button on her headset Shinju spoke, "911, what's your emergency?" "I need an ambulance! 2551 West Block! Room 19!" "What is the problem?" "This guy! He can't breathe! Or move! Oh Kami, he's turning blue!" "Paramedics are on the way" she said as she clicked off. She continued rerouting the emergency calls to her and after 10 minutes of panicked calls, she finally sent the ambulance out to respond to the medical emergency. She pulled off her headset, put in her earbuds, cranked her music and began the transfer of funds and research, using cloaking software to hide her traces. You're up Umiko.

Kisame watched as the young innovator was rushed to the hospital in the ambulance. What the fuck just happened? he wondered as he looked around for his assistant. She was at his side, looking at him with wide yellow eyes, clearly scared of the situation. "Get out of here. Go home and wait for my call" he told her. She nodded and quickly left. He spotted Kay trying to get out of the building but the crowds were pressed too close and she couldn't make much progress despite using her elbows and colourful language. He forced his way over to her, for once his impressive size and bulk working for him. "Kisa!" Kay called and he pulled her from the crowd and they exited the building. "You ok?" he asked her. She nodded, "I need to get home. My roommates must be worried sick!" she said, indicating to the news crews who had already set up on the sidewalk. "I'll take you. C'mon" he said as she followed him. Such a nice ass, she thought as she walked behind him.

Arriving at his apartment, he threw his keys on the side table, loosened his tie and pulled out his phone. "What the hell happened?!" Pein yelled when he answered the phone. "I'm not sure. The conference went well, security was set up and watching but someone still managed to get to him" he said, sighing. "Fuck. GODDAMMIT! Keep an eye on the situation. That fucking Uchiha had better have some information or I'm gonna lose my shit!" Pein yelled before hanging up.

Kisame poured himself a drink and sat in a worn overstuffed chair. He found Itachi's number and sent him a text: It happened as you predicted. Despite security he was still targeted. A few minutes later his phone vibrated: These are not amateurs. Following a lead in Taki. Should be back in the City by the end of the week. Talk then. His phone vibrated again: Dr. Hoshigaki, what should we do? He frowned before replying: Sit tight. Don't leave your apartment. He was massaging his temple where a headache was brewing before his phone vibrated again: Thanks for the rescue. I owe you one! He smiled before closing his eyes and falling asleep in his chair.

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