Chapter 7, Cole

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After twelve hours of none stop discussion and some occasional heated arguments, we finally got the basics of our plan nailed down. We were all hungry and exhausted and pretty on edge, so we have no choice but to pause the meeting, and let Bennett and Chang go out to get us some food.

  Sheena had been awfully quiet the entire time, sitting in the corner of the room, reading a book Frances gave her. She doesn't like to talk in front of people, especially the agents, that much I get, but I really hope that she could at least...ease up a little. I already feel bad enough dragging her out here as it is. Still, her being here and shy towards my colleagues surely beats the prospect of her in Jarvin's hands any day. I want her here, safe, with me.

  I couldn't stop thinking about what she said last night, though. Was she saying what I think she was? If so, that would make things...a little complicated.

  No. I'm over thinking it. She was telling me that she loved me like how Liam would, or how she imagined Liam would, or...maybe as a friend?

  Though, should I be having that kind of dreams about my "friend"?

  Get you head out of the gutter, Stewart. I shook, and pulled my focus back into the conversation in front of me.

  "—you hear me, Cole?" Conner's word finally reached me. I had been looking at her mouth open and close and open and close for the last five minutes or so, but registered nothing that came out at all.

  "No. Pardon?" I said.

  She sighed, "I was saying, I'm trying to contact Barton's team, and if I managed, I want them to meet us at the entry point, H-hour."

  "Sure. Great." I said. "Let's roll with that."

  Conner wrinkled her nose at me, and rolled her eyes a little. "Do you need a minute off? I think it's about time our dinner come back, anyway..."

  "Yeah, that'll be great." I stood up and head for the bathroom immediately. I need to get my head straight.

  Which is not an easy feat. Last night's dream might as well have imprinted in my brain by now. The smell, the heat, the touch, the sound—everything. Damn. I didn't even sleep for that long last night. How I managed to have such an elaborated dream was beyond me.

  This is sick. I'm sick. I shouldn't be thinking about her this way. I know it down to my damn bones. She needs my help, not...whatever I want to do to her, or with her, whatever. Just, dammit.

  Sometimes my dreams really get ahead of me.

  When I got out of the bathroom, Bennett and Chang were already back. It was not too shabby—at least we're getting some hot meals, which is more than I could say for most Ops. Chang even got us a bag of apples.

  For some reasons, Sheena went for the apples before the fried noodles. There were only six, so we'll have to share. She took a look at the apple she picked out, turn to me, and hand it to me.

  "You first." She said.

  "Nah, Lilac. You can have the whole thing." I smiled as her eyes lit up to my words. So my instinct had been right. She likes apples, a lot.

  When she got to her rations of the noodles, Russell came, and to our surprises, sat down beside her.

  "Hey, Sheena?" He asked, "Do you mind teaching me how to use chopsticks like that? I could never get a hang of these..."

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