Chapter 19, Cole

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As if I hadn't had enough on my mind. As if knowing we have a rat here, in the Ranch, was not enough; as if ruining my friendship with Sheena was not enough; as if sending two kids out on a mission that could possibly killed them was not enough...

  My days' just getting better and better.

  "Shut the door—Ruby!" I slammed my hand on the table as she came storming into my office with the force of a hurricane, screaming to my face. For a moment there, I gave into the strain in my chest, and continued in a sigh. "Shut the door."

  "It is a death sentence to send that kid into Thurmond," Ruby said, voice hoarse like mine. "He won't be able to handle it, and even if he could, who's to say they'll take him to the camp and not back into Leda's testing program?"

  "The one he was in was closed shortly after I got the flash drive out," I said, holding in the pressure now.

  "Like there aren't others?" She shot.

  "You were fine with sending Tommy and Pat into Oasis," Senator Cruz piped in, which...wasn't exactly the best idea.

  "I'm not fine with it. I don't like it. But they're functioning as eyes and ears only, and we'll have them out within a couple of days." Ruby waved her hands in the air impatiently, "Nico won't be able to get away to install the program, and even if by some miracle he does, he won't be able to get away from the Control Tower once it's complete."

  "Then, what do you suggest?" I asked, trying to keep a lid on my fury. I have no time nor energy for this. "Really, I'm all ears."

  "I think we need to consider Liam's ideas," She said. "Maybe we should go more indirect. Use the media. Get the parents involved. If we take Gray's image down, shake up that last bit of trust people have in him, we can dismantle his government that way. The international community can't ignore evidence of abuse and wrongdoing for long. They'll step in—"

  Really? We're having this conversation, again? I was going to start, but Senator Cruz beat me to it.

  "Sweetheart, they've been ignoring evidence for years," She said. "They tried to drop aid into the country and it backfired. Gray threatened to shoot their planes out of the sky if they crossed into our airspace again. I've tried and tried."

  "We just have to get them the right proof," She said. "We can use Lillian Gray's words about the cure and whatever she knows about what caused IAAN to prove it's safe for them to travel in, and help overthrow Gray. Haven't there been peacekeeping forces formed in the past?"

  "We have a deal. Oasis for supplies," Senator Cruz turned to me and demanded. "Are you reneging?"

  This is exactly what I'm afraid of. Cruz might be our ally, but she's in this for her own gain, too, and the only way we could keep this alliance is to make sure she gets what she wants.

  Which is why we can't have this fight in front of her.

  "No, I promise you, that's not what we're doing," I said, holding my hands out, palms downward to reassured her. "It's natural to have cold feet before an Op like this. Can I speak to Ruby alone for a few minutes?"

  Senator Cruz rose stiffly, shooting Ruby a glare before leaving the room.

  "Talk to me, Gem," I sighed as the door closed. "Tell me what's going on in that head of yours."

  "We should keep the plan for Oasis, but I think we need to rethink our approach to Thurmond. Nico won't be able to handle the strain, and we have no guarantee he'd even be brought in." There was a pleading quality in her voice now. "We don't have to be the League—default on a straightforward assault."

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