Chapter 8, Sheena

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[A quick word before the chapter begins]

Hi folks, Apherod here. Just wanted to say that, from now on, this story is going to be heavily bound to the events in The Darkest Minds Trilogy for a while; therefore, some of the dialogues would play out very similarly, with only a shift of perspective in some of them.

Still, I promise that this story will end very differently from the original trilogy.

Okay. Now that this is done, let's move on into the chapter!


We rushed into the HQ in the heart of the night. With no time to rendezvous with the Betas, the rest of us had no choice but to stick to our original plan, and divided into four groups.

  Cole and I were responsible for sweeping the west wing of level two, where Alban's office was. The hall was dark, but we could still see each other by the emergency light. Cole held the gun with both of his hands in a posture so sharp, I wondered if anyone was born to hold a gun, and if he was. He pressed his back against the wall, leaning his head over to check the hallway. There were four men, all holding rifles.

  No, five. One of them just came out of Alban's office, dragging someone there.


  There was a click, and another, and I put my hands on Cole's arm before anything else. As the world fell into total silence around us, his expression had turned from one of shock to one of relief, and that was all I ever wanted to see.

  When the White Noise finally stopped, the emergency light had gone off as well, leaving the hallway in pitch black darkness. We could only—barely—make out the outline of each other.

  I was ready to step forward and snap those bastards into the oblivion, but Cole stopped me. Without any explanation or warning as to what he was going to do, he walked up to the agent who was frantically shouting for light, and patted his back.

  "Sure, brother. I got you covered." He said, and snapped his fingers. I saw, for only an instance, an orange light illuminating the outline of his head, and Jarvin's horrified face on the other side of that flame.

  He let the fire grew, and it was inferno.

  That was the first time I really got a hang of what he could do with his ability. He let the fire ripped through those rogued agents like they were nothing but paper cutouts. He didn't even have to touch them. Why wouldn't he let me take care of them? Why would he rather risk exposing his identity?

  Because he rather exposed himself than me. The realization was so clear that it was a little painful.

  All five of them were down now. "Lilac, a little help!" Cole yelled, and I rushed forward to find him holding an unconscious Ruby on his laps. There was a boy with black hair—a couple of years older than me maybe—lying on the floor to her right, but he was not our concern at the moment.

  I woke her up, and she drew in a sharp breath. "C'mon, kid—I know you can—" Cole panted.

  " just..." She gasped, and he let out a breath.

  He lifted her over his shoulder, and we got into Alban's office together. He lay her down behind Alban's upturned desk, and grabbed her face in his hand. "Listen to me. No one can know, you hear me? No one. Especially not Lee. Nod if you understand."

  Her face looked a touch beyond frantic; I'd be surprise if she could even hear him, let along understand him and give him her words.

  "Cate, Alban, Sheena, and now you. That's it." He said, "You tell, and it's over for me."

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