Chapter 6, Sheena

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In the next week or so, we moved on with our lives as promised. Training, classes, shower, meals. Dr. Thorne had left for Georgia HQ after what happened with Jack, and now I take my Medical Training classes with one Dr. Giddens. He looked like he doesn't want anything to do with me.

  It used to be bearable, because I spent every evening with Cole, who I trust with all of my heart. But now we're having this...cold war, if I could call it that. We still train together, but there is this thing, like a sheet of glass between us, and I couldn't feel his warmth.

  One night, after the twelfth failed attempt to snap him into sleep with his back to me, I curled up into a ball, and called it quit.

  "C'mon. You're better than this." Cole turned around and said.

  "What do you know? You are the one that said I'm not ready." I retorted, with more bitterness than I intended.

  He stared at me for a solid ten seconds, and actually laughed. "Is that why you're giving me cold shoulders for the past couple of weeks? Because I said you're not ready?"

  "You were right. I'm not ready." I blew out a breath. "I'm dangerous to everyone around me, and before I could get it under control, I can't even use it to help people—"

  "What are you talking about?" His voice suddenly took on a straining quality. "I thought I told you it's not because people will be afraid of you—"

  "Then why?" I asked, "Give me one good reason why I can't even help people with it. Tell me I'm not a monster—"

  "You're not." He shot, and turned away, "God, I can't believe—"

  "What?" I pressed, "You can't believe what?"

  When he turned back to face me, he looked...hurt.

  "I...I have spent so long knowing that people will be afraid of me if they find out what I am, and I don't want you to feel that way." He said, "I want it like hell, for people to see you for the good you are. You are...positively the Angel of Mercy, do you know that?"

  I was speechless.

  "But I know once they know about you, they'll hurt you. Leda Corp had proven as much." He continued, "And I can't have that. Do you understand?"

  I sighed, and nodded.

  He let out a short and harsh breath. "Now, let's—"

  A sound like firecracker came from outside, and cut the words off from Cole's mouth. A gunshot. He sat up straight, a hand reached under his bed, and it came out with a handgun. Another gunshot. He stood up, gesturing me to get behind him, while he held the gun with both hands, pointing it at the door.

  A series of fast knocks came on the door. He spared one hand to open it, gun still pointing outward, and we heard some low-key chaos on the other side.

  "Stewart, we need to go, now!" One of the agent—an Agent Russell Farbringer, a thirty-something man—hissed in a suppressed voice into the opened door, and Cole's whole body snapped into motion.

  "Let's go." He pressed his gun into my hand, and pushed me out of the door. He had obviously been preparing for this moment for some times now. He grabbed a duffel bag with one hand, and pulled out another handgun from a drawer with another.

  "What's going on?" I asked as Cole came out and we followed Russell deeper into the HQ.

  "Jarvin and his gang revolted." Russell offered a short and breathy explanation as we took an unusual route to a narrow staircase tucked away in the back of agents' quarters. We ran down the staircase all the way to the lowest level, where, I assumed, we were going to get out from the emergency exit. "We can't be entirely sure, but we think he killed Alban."

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