🚪𝗗𝗼𝗼𝗿 𝟭 : 𝗠𝘆 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿

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It is announce officially, the boys are on hiatus for the first time ever since they debut.

It is a clear sunny day and for Namjoon this is a perfect day to go out and just do things unplanned.

No rehearsals, no interviews, no music programs, no taping, nothing.

"Manager-nim, Im going to the library," Namjoon tells his manager as they walk towards the building exit.

"Oh today? Sure, but can you wait? I just need to finish dropping off this documents then, Ill meet you down at the parking lot," said his manager, while reading the papers on hand without even glancing the tall man walking beside him.

"Umm that wont be necessary, coz Ill take the transit! Bye!!"

"Oh o.. wait what?! No!! Namjoon come back here! Take the ca—'

As Namjoon dash to the exit door, he heard the faint voice of disapproval from his manager. Of course the poor guy wouldn't agree, his taking off without anyone with him. Not even bringing the tinted car and taking the transit for that matter.

But it's Namjoon's time off. Besides, he made sure he'll blend in. He is wearing a beanie, a mask, plain shirt and shorts-- all black.

Its a weekday, after lunch hour, everybody's at work. It will be fine.

This feels nice. When was the last time he uses the public transit, he asked himself while looking out the window on his right side. Before debut plenty of times when him, Hoseok and Yoongi watched concerts or gone to underground rap competition. Those days seems so far away, he sighed.

The train abruptly come to a stop to open its automatic sliding door for people to get in. He notice an older woman that's looking for a place to sit as there are no empty seats left.

"Halmeoni, here," he said, standing up to give way for the older lady.

"Kamsahamnida," she replied.

Not many people are standing at the time. But when the train stop at the next station, people started to get a little bit closer to him, as they fill the empty spaces in between. It's getting a bit stuffy so he turn his back and face the door to look outside again, while the train starts to move.

Tsk, I hope no one would recognise me, he cursed to himself. He knows what kind of trouble he can get into if somebody actually did, notice him and make a scene. As the thought crosses Namjoon's mind, he lowers his head to the side and see something that made his eyebrows furrow.

There's a girl on his side that is looking uncomfortable. She had her head down, fidgeting, one hand by the safety rail and the other trying to push her sling bag behind--like trying to cover it from something or someone. A guy behind her looks suspicious, because he is standing so close to her, facing her back. Even if the train is crowded like this, his closeness makes even Namjoon uncomfortable. So, he decided to take a closer look.

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