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Sitting on the carpet in front of the sofa, the two of them are

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Sitting on the carpet in front of the sofa, the two of them are. Jimin reaches for the tissue box on top of the coffee table and gives it to Erika who's tears seems never ending.

"Aigoo... I totally forgot that your such a crybaby," Jimin said teasingly while patting her head softly.

It's embarrassing but she can't help it. She rarely cries, but the moment she does, its like her body's draining all the water within.

She tries restraining those sniffles but to no avail, and Jimin just continue with the teasing while giving her another tissue to blow her nose in.

"When was the last time I saw you cry so hard like this hm?" one arm prop on the sofa, Jimin ask rhetorically. "AHH! I think when we won the 'New Artist of the Year' do you remember?"

"Of course! How can I even forget that?" Erika replies. She was just as thrilled and as happy as the boys when they won their very first award.

That, also happened to be the last time they celebrated their accomplishments in person. Because the boys became really busy with their full packed schedule of tours, interviews, albums and countless events.

"That was the last time we have managed to celebrate awards together," Jimin said thinking about the same thing. While the boys are busy so is she. Like them, she needed to focus on learning how to manage her family's assets and companies.

"Well, at least we never failed to celebrate each and every accomplishments virtually."

She knows Jimin understand the reason why they cannot hang out frequently, so why did he suddenly brought the topic up.

"I know, I know! And I'm not trying to make you feel guilty... its just that ... Pfffttt! I really miss seeing this face of yours! I almost forgot how your eyes and cheeks become so puffy after crying," Jimin said, trying hard not to burst out laughing.

"Jimin-ah!!" she hits him lightly and pouts trying to stop him from making fun of her. But Jimin cant seem to hold it in any longer and laugh so hard she really thinks it awoken the whole building.

"So tell me... then-" Jimin said, clearing his throat. "Miss Pretty Crybaby, where do you wanna go next after Paris?"

Does Jimin even aware of his duality?!

Erika ask herself. She's clearly amaze on how like in a flick of a switch, this guy who was just being a crackhead, laughing his ass off few seconds ago, turns and delivers a line like that. Like he's some kind of casanova.

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