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"That's cold and cruel of you, Min Yoongi."

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"Hyung?! Wake up!"

Hoseok and Namjoon's worried face is what you see the moment you're awaken by their voice that calls for you. The three of you are still in the car en route home after the TS Event Gala.

"I'm awake... I'm sorry I doze off. What are we talking about again?"  you wearily said.

"Hyung, you did not just doze off...but you were having a nightmare too. That's why we wake you up," you heard Hoseok said.

"I've only been gone for few weeks Hyung, but you look like you've got a lot older after I come back. What's wrong? What's stressing you out?" Namjoon seconded.

You are gonna say another excuse of yours-- the just tired from working on your music for the upcoming comeback and that they don't need worry. But what Hoseok said next, stops you from doing so.

"Hyung... talk to us, please."

As the car stops because of traffic, you felt your heart tightens because of their pleas.

The genuine concern that's apparent while you look at their faces plus the warm tone of their voice-- makes you feel what you should be feeling but denying yourself from, since the beginning.

The feeling of being open and vulnerable. Because in all honesty... you are hurt and torn.

You always hated this feelings, that's why you were trying to keep it hidden.

And to conceal together with it, that last conversation between you and your best friend. That still lingers and haunts you ever since you and Taehyung left Daegu.

You've been trying to convinced yourself that you made the right choice of giving up, before it even started. But you did not expect it to affect you this much, to the point of not even having the strength or the motivation to do anything. And worse, not even music is helping.

"Seok, what makes you so sure everything will work out between you and her? That you confess right away. Did you actually consider all the pros and cons. Soon you two would be worlds apart, what then?" you ask, catching Hoseok by surprise.

Worried a bit being so blunt. But clearly he did not take it as such, because his face relaxes before he responds,

"Hyung, to be honest... I'm not sure what the future holds for the both of us. As of now I still don't know how to navigate being in a relationship, and like you said a long-distance at that. But... if there's one thing that I'm sure of-- it's what I feel for her, what she means to me and feels for me. For those reasons alone, I'll go wherever she is no matter how far, or how short our time together could be. I'll go to her! I want to spend even just a day, heck even just hours is enough if it's with her," Hoseok pauses then look at the other guy in the car before he gives you both a soft smile then adds,"I'm pretty sure Namjoon would agree."

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