𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗽

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"Hyung! Thank you so much for the gift! I promise I'll wear this often."

You smiled seeing the happy face of Taehyung, while trying on his new earring.

"How do I look?" the younger said, looking back at you to show off the new jewellery piece

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"How do I look?" the younger said, looking back at you to show off the new jewellery piece.

"Waahh-- She's right picking that one for you. It looks really good on you Taehyungie," you told Taehyung.

"She picked all the perfect pieces for us. Even Yoongi-Hyung likes his new zodiac necklace. That's a big deal, as we all know how picky he is when it comes to accessories."

You can't help but agree seeing how Yoongi has been wearing the piece ever since you hand it to him, when he picks you up upon arrival at the airport.

You've arrived yesterday and decided to meet up, even with just some of the members

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You've arrived yesterday and decided to meet up, even with just some of the members. You wanna tell them about your trip in LA and also to hand out the pieces of jewellery you've got for them as gifts.

The three of you now enjoying a nice afternoon tea in a cafe.

"I wanted to give the others their gifts too," you said to the two gentlemen with you. "Where are they anyways?"

"I'm messaging Jin-Hyung to ask if he want to go to the amusement park with me this weekend, but he's not responding,"  Taehyung answered.

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