𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓴𝓳𝓲𝓷

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Y/N's POV💬

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Y/N's POV💬

You just got back from your washroom break, and heads again to your corner.

Oh! The guy must have left, you said to yourself after seeing how your all alone now in the big room.

Well you did mind your own business, but of course, you still cant help but notice how he looks strangely familiar, like you've seen him before. You did get a chance to look at him when you accidentally glanced over his side of the room.

You certainly didn't mean to stare, but this guy...even in side view angle you knew that his devilishly handsome.

His broad shoulder gives off a really masculine aura, and those longs legs, wooohhh he's tall alright. He also has strong brows that perfectly match his big slightly cat-like eyes. You remembered you involuntarily quaff, as your eyes caught sight of his plump pillowy pink lips. And as if to entice you even further, when he slightly tilt his head you could clearly see how well define his jawline is.

I wouldn't be surprised if that guy is an actor or something, you continue on thinking.

You had you're fair share of seeing actors and idols, come and go in your uncle's VIP Hub.

Of course they will, security here is insane, you nodded in agreement to your inner self.

So you should get used to seeing faces like that by now. But for some reason this guy is far more good looking that anybody you've seen. To kill your curiosity down, you decided to just forget about the guy and focus on the screen, I still have a lot to do.

You did your main quests for the day, helped others especially your guild members along the way, and when you're satisfied you decided to call it a day.

As you are leaving the VIP Room heading straight to your uncle's office to drop by and say goodbye, your peripheral vision caught sight of something that made you halt and stop midway.

The commercial on the LED TV mounted on one of the cafe's wall made you hitched your breathe, and rightly so because...

I knew it! that's why it feels like I've seen him before...you uttered, while staring intensely at the box screen. That 2 second commercial repeated like a loop, made you realised that just a few moments ago you were alone in a room with...



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