𝗠𝗶𝘀𝘀 𝗥𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 [𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝟮]

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Namjoon looks up to you, and say "Oh yeah about that

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Namjoon looks up to you, and say "Oh yeah about that..."

You felt like he wanted to tell you something, but cant pick the right words for it, so you figured, might as well try and help by guessing.

"You're not like this country's celebrity or something right? I mean... you kinda look like one, I have to admit.. but your not..... right?" you trailed off a bit having said a little bit too much about your hidden admiration for the guy sitting beside you.

Namjoon just smiled. Making up his mind to just go with the flow and meet each other naturally. He goes on saying "Don't mind it, its nothing really," his voice soft and low, reassuring.

"Ohhh... well I know I should get out more, but with all the work and all, this is actually my first out of the country trip." biting your lower lip as you explain.

That's why... Namjoon thought.

"That figures! You're not from around here," he respond the look on his face says he really did figure out something.

"Yes, so thanks again for saving me the other day and for this today.Its quite nice of you,"
you said as you gave him your sweetest smile too.

"I haven't really done anything, but if you'll agree I can show you around. You know, help you explore the city. Ill be your very own tour guide....and if I may add... for free. Ill let you feel our country's hospitality," Namjoon persuasively ask.

You chuckled at the thought. That's really nice of him. Then you look at those beautiful orbs staring right through yours, before saying, "Sure, Ill take you up on that offer. No taking backs about it being for free," which made both of you laugh there quietly.

That was a fun day, you said to yourself

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That was a fun day, you said to yourself. Now at home, getting ready for bed. Upon hearing your phone buzz, you quickly grab it.

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