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And the call ended.

You sigh. I guess Taehyung's mind is already made up.

Standing outside your mom's hospital room, you pinch your temple trying to figure out a way to explain the situation to your mom. Now that your Plan A fails, you really have to let your mother knows that Taehyung is currently staying at your place.

So with that in mind, you took a deep breathe, opens the door and walk in.

Your mom is up sitting on the bed, looking out at the trees outside.

"Mom," you greet her.

"Iris..." she utters as she turn and looks at you.

Your mom have known about your immediate return, but not the fact that you didn't return alone.

"Have you eaten? I bought some fruits, doctor sa--" you got cut off when your mom said,

"Iris... your sister told me already..."

You freeze. You are standing in front of the bed side table piling up the foods you brought in with you. You know what she meant. What else could it be?

"Mom, I'm sorry I did--" you immediately looks at her, trying to figure out what her mood is after knowing you came back with Tae.

"Come here child," she told you while she taps the bed and urge you to sit with her.

There is that deafening silence after you have taken the seat. There so many things that's running through your mind.

Is she mad at me? Will she think I'm choosing Taehyung over of our family? What if this stresses her, I don't want her condition to get worst.

Your thought then gets interrupted when you hear your mom sigh loudly and say,

"I'm sorry Iris," she said. Her eyes glistens and you see some tears already looming on its side. 

"Mom, why are you sorry? I should be the one apologising for not keeping my word," to see your mom about to cry have you crying before her. 

"No my child, it's me who should apologise. I'm sorry for not being able to see it right away, and for being selfish in the process."

"Mom, I understand why you wanted me to stay away and why I should not reciprocate his feelings. I would always choose our family so--"

"And that's exactly why I'm sorry. Because in choosing us, your sacrificing your feelings. I've seen how you've changed over the years. You may try to hide it from me, but I can see it. It's been hard isn't it? The longer you hide your feelings for someone, the more you fall for them," your mom said, while wiping your tears.

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