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It really can't be me huh-

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It really can't be me huh-

Jimin woke up from his nap and look around his surrounding trying to figure out where he's at.

"Ugh- when will I ever get used to this long flights?" he pinch his temple as his eyes gets use to the dim light above his chair. He look sideways and sees Erika sleeping soundly. Curled up like a ball in her blanket. He smiles thinking how cute the girl is, that she can fit in that space the first class airplane seats has to offer.

Adjusting how he sits, he turns to get a better angle of her. Looking intently at her sleeping face, he can't help but wonder.

What are you gonna talk about with Jungkook? What if the article is true? About him and the girl... You'd be hurt! It breaks my heart just thinking about it. I don't wanna see you cry, ever again.

Jimin mulls it over the entire flight. Then with full resolve he told himself, I'm sorry JK, I don't think I can let you have her.

 Then with full resolve he told himself, I'm sorry JK, I  don't think I can let you have her

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"Hyung?!! Noona?!" you heard a surprise Jungkook as you and Jimin entered the house.

You look at the maknae in his comfortable clothes, ruffled hair and fully bare face that clearly shows he just got up from bed even though its way past noon.

"Aren't you two suppose to be in Paris?" he ask, still in shock.

You scan him from head to toe. Particularly his face to see if he has been crying or for dark circles under his eyes that can be from the lack of sleep. You don't wanna bring it up recklessly and hurt his feelings even more, so you just said,

"It's getting cold in Paris so we decided to go some place else."

Jimin catching your drift, continues "Yeah, we just stop by for me to pack some more of my things, as were going next to Hawaii."

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