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cassandra mendes
calabasas, usa


There he is, standing at my door looking as handsome as anything, it's Harrison.

"Hi." I smile widely, stepping out of my house.

"You look... incredible, Cass. That dress is stunning and you're just... wow."

"So do you, Harry. But thank you." I'm still smiling, even more so when he presents me with a bouquet of red roses.

"These are for you." He says smoothly, handing them to me with a charming smile across his handsome face.

"And they say chivalry is dead." I joke, following him to his car and climbing in the passenger seat.

"I'm the exception." He chuckles, "Although, I think anyone would be for a woman like you."

I blush at his compliment, hoping that it won't be too noticeable due to the low lighting in the car. "So, where are you even taking me?" I ask as he joins me in the front.

"Oh, you'll see." He looks at me from the corner of his eye and it that simple look, I know that wherever he's taking me is going to be incredible. "Music?"

"Of course." I giggle like a little girl and chide myself for doing so, relaxing once the music begins.

He begins to drive down the road and attempt to work out where he's taking me, to no avail. But the conversation flows well, and as we talk I get this warm feeling that I haven't felt in so long. It's as if my emotions from earlier have disappeared in his presence, and all I can feel now is happy. It takes longer than I expected to get our destination, about 45 minutes or so. But when we're here, practically the middle of nowhere, I realise what that smile was for.

We're parked next to a gorgeous lake, the sun just beginning to set over it. There's a pavilion on the shore, decorated with flowers and fairy lights. It's the picture of romance, and he's done it for me.

"Wow." I exhale, startled by the beauty of our location. I look at the man next to me and I can't help but smile. He did it all for me. "This is beautiful."

"It is, isn't it." He agrees, walking next to me. His hand brushes against mine and my fingers stretch out to to wrap around his. He reciprocates and holds my hand gently, his hands warm and smooth.

"So, do you do this for all your dates?" I joke, unable to help myself.

"Only the ones I've waited a decade for." He replies.

I blush ten shades darker, struggling to respond for a while, "So that's me, and...?"

"Just you." He affirms, pulling out a chair for me to sit in under the pavilion. There's some gorgeous looking food already laid out, and I can only assume he's hired staff to set all this up.

"Thank you so much, Harry." I smile, "This is, well, it's perfect. The perfect end to an amazing day."

"You're very welcome, Cassandra." He reciprocates my smile, "It has been an amazing day, hasn't it?"

"It really has."

"So, are you gonna tell me what you were thinking about earlier?"

"What?" I blink, forgetting our earlier conversation. I remember after a few seconds of confusion, but I know I can't tell him. Because in the moment where I thought he was about to kiss me, I thought of Shawn. "Oh, it was nothing."

"It was something, because you're blushing."

"I've been blushing all night, it hardly makes a difference." I quip with a grin.

𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬, shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now