Setting You Free

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Hiccup's POV

I grab broken sticks off the ground and slowly slide open the hatch. I stick my hand through until I reach the lock. I see Elsa down the hall cleaning out a room. I hear the lock click and slowly open the door.

I sneak up on Elsa as Jack runs upstairs to distract Pitch. I grab her arms and stare at her beautiful crisp blue eyes that I see through the grey.

"You can't leave me, Elsa. I may have only known you for a few days but this. This that is breaking your dark shell. This is TRUE love. I love you, Elsa and I will scream it from the rooftops if I need to. I LOVE YOU ELSA!!!" I say hoping she can hear in her frozen state. I see the innocent girl I saw early but that was before her eyes slowly turned back to the real blue.

Her hair slowly lost the sharp black and her clothes became blue again. But most important, she was mine again. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and Pitch yelling in outrage. He goes for her neck again but I grab my sword and burn it.

"NO!!!!!!!! HOW COULD YOU?!?!" He screams and then disappears. I grab Elsa and hug her. She was free now and that is what mattered and now we have to get back to Arendelle.

"Did you mean it?" She says pushing me back enough to see my face.

"Yes. I love you, Elsa. I really do." I say embracing her in a kiss. But after we touch lips, Jack interrupts.

"Get a room. Ohh. Why not one where your sister will be wondering where you are in a day or two." He says before he flys off probably back to Corona.

"Come on. We gotta go." I say letting go of Elsa. We walk out of the castle and head to Toothless. I hop on and Elsa just stands. Uhh. I forgot she has never rid a dragon. This might take a few tries.

Elsa's POV

I stand there staring at the dragon in front of me. He is big and black. Nothing like the one Astrid is training. I notice a kind of 'saddle' on his back and Hiccup sitting on top. Did he expect me to get on with him?

"I can walk if you want. Or maybe go grab a horse?" I say starting to walk away. I frown and turn away hoping he yells out.

"Wait. No. Elsa, I know that what I am about to say is going to be scary so bare with me. You need to trust me and get on it." I hear Hiccup say as I turn back towards him and walk over. He grabs my hand and guide me through it.

"Put your hand there and your foot there. Now push up and swing that leg over. No. Like. That. Uhh. Here get off. Just do this." He says running away from Toothless and back towards him. He jumps while grabbing the saddle and pulling down to end up sitting on top. I nod and start to run away from him to get good speed.

I start to run towards him and face plant. I tripped on a rock. It hurts all over my face. He groans and waves at me to get up and I do. I run towards him avoiding rocks and I jumped up to grab on.

I get it grip of Hiccup and pull down. It worked. OMG!! I did it.

"Great job. And to think I made that up." He says before I pinch his arm. We take off and I will not let go of Hiccup. I clutch onto him like a dog to a rope. We reach the point where we are just above the clouds and I touch them.

They freeze and as we go on, I freeze more spots. This is the most terrifying and happiest thing that has happened to me in a while. I don't know why but this is amazing.

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