My Dark Heart

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Elsa's POV

I take the two boys to the dungeon and let them out of my cage. When I go to put them in Pitch's cages, the brunette goes grabs my hands and the white hair boy flys upstairs. I freeze at the brunettes bright emerald green eyes.

I come back to reality when Pitch comes down the stairs. He grabs my neck again and I groan at the thought. This is the fourth time today. The vines grow and regenerate the shell.

"You think you can break the shell! The minute you crack it just a little bit or even a chip in it, I know and I will regenerate it the second you do crack it!" Pitch shouts at them locking them away. He locks it and closes the flap in the door and makes a chair.

"Sit here and watch them. Don't let them look at you or escape. Or I will punish you." He says leaving. I know his punishments aren't nice so I just write in my diary.

'Dear Diary,

I have been put in charge of watching two boys. One is a white haired smug boy who thinks of himself. But the other one is a brunette who the most amazing eyes. Pitch if you find this please don't kill me. I will do anything.

I hate this! I hate it all! Pitch won't let me use my powers for anything but self defense and trapping the two boys. Uhhhhhhh!!! I wish I could leave. Go somewhere that Pitch can't find me. But that is impossible. Thanks for listening, Diary!'

I end it there hearing footsteps walk towards me.

"What are you doing?" Pitch says looking over my shoulder. I flinch at the sound of his noise.


"Logging what?"

"The prisoner. You know. Writing down what time we caught them. What I hear from their cell. Just the specifics."

"Fine. Carry on." Pitch says walking away. I don't want to take the chance of him finding me again so I stop writing.

Hiccup's POV

We have been stuck down here for hours now. I look around trying to find an escape. But it is no use. Pitch catches everything. These cells are impossible to get out from.

"What if we?" I say grabbing two sticks on the ground.

"Stop!! I am sorry, Hiccup! But we can't get out! Elsa can't be saved! Pitch will stop us every time! He can't be stopped!" Jack says taking the sticks from me and broke them. I just sit by the broken window and stare out on the forest.

It is blank and nothing is happening. I would occasionally see a deer running past the castle. I am guessing trying to not get killed but also fox would usually walk around the bushes.


I am sorry for not posting yesterday! My teachers gave me four really long assignments and didn't have a minute to finish the chapter. Sorry again! Thanks for reading though!

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