Chapter 13

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Lenix's POV

Shopping it was indeed. Louis wanted to go to the mall of Louisiana seems how that one is bigger. I went along with it. I mean it's not every day you get to hang out with One-

Holy carrots! I thought I had just seen Libby walking the clothes section when I turned to look at Liam.

I held my breath and Liam looked at me funny.

'Um, Nixxy? You ok?' Louis poked my cheek.

'I think I saw Libby,' I said, still trying to hold my breath.

'Where?' They all chorused quietly.

I pointed over to the clothes section and sure enough there was Libby. Checking out the bikinis and swim wear.

Not so nice words raced through my head. I needed to hide One Direction.

'Um, hide,' I said shoving them in a random direction.

I kinda snickered as I realized I shoved them in the women's changing room.

'It smells nice in here,' Harry said. 'Ow! Don't hit me!'

'Shhh!' Liam said.

I giggled and acted as if I was looking at something.

Why were we in the women's section to begin with?

'Hey! Linex!' Libby calls.

I stopped breathing for a while and turned around to be met with a hug. God I hope the lads would be quiet until I get rid of her. I mean... yep that's what I meant.

'Hey, Libby,' I said trying not to sound nervous.

'What brings you here? I thought I was supposed to see you at your place at 2?' she looked at me confused.

'Well I'm shopping. That's why I said two,' I said hoping she'd drop it.

'Oh but we could've shopped together,' she said with a pout.

'I have to shop for my half cousin,' I lied.

Man I can see it now, Lenix Powell killed by best friend for keeping a huge secret from her.

'Whose your cousin?' Libby asked with a small smile.

'Um... Harriet Warden... stine,' I said and made a ridiculous face when she looked away.

'Um, ok,' she giggled. 'Strange last name.'

'I'll say,' I mumbled.

'Well I'll still see you at two. I have bills to pay. Bye!' She gave me a quick hug and scurried off.

I sighed and went into the women's changing room.

That was a close call!

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