Chapter 26

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Libby's POV

I couldn't begin to tell you how happy I was now that it was just me and Liam... and the many people at the mall. I felt nervous for him actually. He was Liam James Payne of One Direction... in public. You do the math.

'Man I hope we don't get spotted by the pops,' I said loud enough for him to hear.

I could feel him look at me and I knew he was grinning.

'Let's go disguise shopping,' he said leaning in close to my ear.

When I felt his breath on my skin I shuttered, in a good way though.

Nodding, he drug my along with him into a Halloween shop.

I wonder what his plan is now.

'Ready to have some fun, love?' he asked with that adorable grin on his face, his brown eyes lighting up.

'Bruh, I was born ready,' I said with swag. 'Hash tag swagger!'

He laughed as we made our way to the pirate costumes. He stopped suddenly, causing me to run into him, and he picked up a mustache that was hanging on the wall.

'I mustache you a question... but I'll shave it for later,' he said, attempting a Spanish accent with his British one.

I laughed and shook my head. That was a major fail if I must say. And I shall say.

'Fail on the Spanish accent, LiLi,' I said, not realizing I said his nickname.

I held my breath waiting for him to say something. But instead he smiled, playfully stuck out his tongue, and put the mustache up.

Interesting. This was going to bother me. He no comment on ma nickname for him.

I poked his side causing him to look down at me. Was he always this tall?

'Yes, dear?' he had a serious expression.

'LiLi,' I repeated his nickname.

'Yes?' he arched an eyebrow and a grinned curled up on his face.

'Li....Li...' I said trying,o make a point.

'Yes?' he laughs. 'What is it, love?'

I rolled my eyes. 'Do you not realizing what I'm saying?'

'Yup I know,' he said grabbing my hand. 'And I like it.'

My face lit up. He likes it! Woo! My LiLi likes his nickname! Oh happy day! Joy to the world he likes his name!

You sang that last part didn't you? Wink wink. Ok I'm calm now.

Or maybe not.

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