Chapter 4

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Lenix's POV

I pulled up in the driveway of the apartment complex that I was staying at. Parking I stepped out the car after killing the engine and waited for Liam to show up. He wasn't that far behind me. Within a second he parked next to me and he was at my side quickly.

'I'll walk you to your room,' he said kindly.

I nodded and lead the way up a flight of stairs to the second floor. I was worn out to be honest.

Inserting the key I unlocked the door.

'Thanks for following me home,' I said tiredly.

He smiled. 'No problem. That's what friends are for. Um, mind if I get your number?'

Maybe I'll get a chainsaw instead of a gun?

I slowly nod as he pulls out his cell. A flash made me nearly go blind as I blinked and rubbed my eyes.

'Holy carrots, I think I saw the light,' I joked.

Liam laughed. 'Naw, I just took a profile picture of you for the contact.'

I nodded and typed in my cell and home number.

'Why do you want it anyway? To dig a deeper grave for me?'

'No. I just want to text you tomorrow and see if you want to meet the lads,' he chuckled at my other "joke".

My eyes lit up at the thought. Me finally meeting Niall Horan! I could just hug Liam! And I shall considering I'm a hugger.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and gave him a squeeze.

'Geez,' he breathed. 'You sure can hug. Niall is a great hugger too.'

'So I've heard. I wonder what would happen if two great huggers hugged each other,' I said thoughtfully tapping my chin.

'Magic,' Liam smiled and pulled me back for another hug. 'I'll text you tomorrow.'

'Ok. Not sure if I'll be awake though. Sleep is one of my many talents,' I smiled cutely and rocked back and forth on my heels.

He just smiled and shook his head.

'What's your other passions?'

'Food and music,' I chimed making him laugh again.

'You are something else. I'm sure the lads will love you,' he said tapping my nose.

'Might want to warn them I have a death contract,' I said as serious as I could.

He only smiled. 'I'll be sure to tell them. You get some sleep, love. Goodnight.'

'Nighty night,' I yawned and hugged him once more.

I'm so dead when Libby finds out.

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