Chapter 6

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Liam's POV

It was finally the next day. I don't know why I was so nervous. I was going to pick up Lenix so she could meet the lads. I had remembered her telling me she liked Niall so I took the liberty in showing him a picture of her.

He had smiled and said she was adorable and she looked very down to earth.

'Leeyum! You going yet?' Harry asked, barging into my room.

'Yeah,' I said slipping my other shoe on.

'I want to come,' he pouted.

'I'm only going to get Lenix. And you've seen the news last night. Don't need you getting drug into this too,' I said grabbing my car keys.

'Yeah but if you go by yourself that'll make the media talk more. Let me go,' he pleaded.

I sighed. 'Fine. Let's go. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to meet the flirt of the group.'

He smirked and followed me to the car.

He better not give me problems.


Lenix's POV

I woke up right before my alarm went off, which was like seven a.m. I groaned and rolled out of bed and too a quick shower. Opening the door to see how it felt outside I quickly closed it and shivered. Who brought the north pole here, sheesh!

I dressed in something warm and straightened my hair. There was no humidity outside so my hair wouldn't frizz up.

I looked at the clock and saw it was almost seven-thirty. I made a face because I really didn't want to get up this early. The sun was hardly peeking up on the horizon.

My phone sang Fireproof.

Liam: Hey we're on our way. Just gotta pick up breakfast so don't eat yet.

Me: Ok. And what do you mean we?

Liam: Harry whined himself into coming. His excuse was do the media wouldn't be suspicious.

Me: Awe how thoughtful. Tell him I'll have a big hug for him when ya'll get here- Are you texting and driving?!

Liam: lol no. This is Harry :3

Me: O.O Oh well hurry up! I'm bored!

Liam: We'll be there soon. Bye!

I set my phone on my bed and stood there for some odd reason and stared at the white wall. I was extremely bored.

I turned on the tv to keep myself occupied. It worked for only about ten minutes.

Another ten minutes later a knock sounded on my door. I stared at it for a while and checked to see who it was.

'Liam! Hurry up slow poke!' Harry was standing there and calling to him.

I smiled and opened the door. Without any warning I threw myself at Harry in a tight hug.

He grunted at the force but hugged me back.

'Hello to you to,' he chuckled as Liam walked up.

I threw myself at him as well. But he knew it was coming because he braced himself.

'Happy to see you too, love,' Liam laughs. 'Are you ready to get going?'

'Yup. Lemme get my stuff,' I scurried inside and grabbing my room key, purse, and phone.

'Let's boogie!' I said closing and locking the door.

They laughed and led the way to the car. I was practically almost a popcicle! Liam turned on the heater and it soon warmed up in the car. With a little help from Harry I was warm.

That's right he made sure he sat in the back seat with me. Liam had rolled his eyes cause he knew Harry was only flirting. I didn't mind. I liked the attention from him. From him and Liam.

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