Chapter 9

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Niall's POV

I bit into my donut and I realized what I just said. It makes me sound like I only like her because she brings me food.

'No... I mean I like you cause you seem nice,' I added quickly.

She grinned cutely and shrugged. 'You'll have to do better then that blondie.'

'Ooo!' The lads chorused.

I gave her a pleading look, sat down my donut which made the lads gasp, and got on one knee and grabbed her hand.

'Please forgive me, love. You're awesome for bringing food and you're more awesome for coming,' I did the best I could.

She teased me by taking her free hand and tapping her chin in deep thought.

'I guess I could forgive you. But under one condition,' she looked back down at me and smirked.

'And what would that be?' I asked a bit afraid.

'Give me half of your other donut,' she said with a grin.

The lads all snickered and my mouth dropped. She did not just go there!

I sighed and took out my other donut. Accidentally making one half larger then the other.

She grabbed the smaller one and kissed my cheek.

'Cause I love you I'll let you have the bigger piece,' she said sweetly and nibbled on her piece.

I smiled brightly and in shock. I thought she would take the larger one.

'That's one way to Niall's heart,' Zayn laughed.

I eyed him and ate my donut.

The lads dug into theirs except Liam and Harry. I figured they ate theirs on the way here.

'So this is Lenix,' Liam introduced us to the small dark haired girl with big brown eyes.

'Ello!' Louis screamed and hugged her tightly.

'Geez!' Liam said. 'Don't have to be so loud.'

'Hi to you too Louis,' she giggled and pushed him away so she could breath.

'I'm not done yet,' he whined and she gave him a proper hug.

'Better?' she asked looking up at him.

'Yup,' he chuckled. 'Now go hug Zayn. He's been grumpy lately.'

Zayn rolled his eyes but smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

'We're all family now,' she giggled.

'Yep,' Liam laughed.

This girl was something else. Liam had told us she's a fan. But the way she's acting around us you'd think she had been a friend of ours for a long time. I liked her. She was different.

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