Chapter 20

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Libby's POV

I drove as quickly as I could to Lenix's house. I couldn't go over seventy seems how that's the speed limit on the interstate.

It was nearly six and Liam would be at Nixxy's house at seven.

Why was I running a tad bit late you ask? Well my mom had called asking me to pick up a few things. So I did. Yay me for being nominated for that.

Well anyway, I didn't tell her about my date... I mean hangout... with Liam Payne, Niall Horan, and Lenix. Guess I should've right? Nope haha!

I turned off the ramp off the interstate and headed to Lenix's apartment complex.

It was weird how she had an apartment and I had my own house. I wanted her to move in with me but she said she wanted adventure and to see how it was to live alone for a while. She doesn't have a job but she's living off of what he parents make. Which I guess makes sense. They're just helping out until she gets a good paying job. And believe me, she's been searching her bum off!

I finally pulled into the parking lot at six-thirty. Lovely.

'Hey, Libby!' Lenix was standing on the balcony outside her room waving her arms frantically.

What? Was there a fire or something? Or maybe an airplane coming towards us?

I look behind me just to be sure. Nope. No airplane. Then why was she acting like an aerobics girl? Or in this case one of them people who guides planes to land?

'What's up?' I ask finally reaching her.

' Come inside,' she said grabbing my sleeve and nearly making me fall forward.

Now I know this chick can be hyper and crap, but I'm not sure what the hail was going on here!

'Nixxy, what's going on here?' Right, right pointing out the obvious.

'Look. On. The. Tv!' she said, excitedly pointing.

I glance over and do a double take. There before my eyes was Liam, with a huge grin.

My eyes grow as wide as a baseball as I look into his brown eyes.

'Hi!' he said waving.

Holy carrots! The picture just moved!

'I hooked up my tv to my PlayStation and now I can get on Skype! I'm so clever!' Lenix said brushing off her shoulders. 'Libby?'

I felt something poke my cheek and I snapped out of my trance.

'Liam...' that was more of a question then a statement.

'The one and only!' he chimed, a handsome smile curling up.

I blinked a few times. 'Shouldn't you be on your way here?' I asked, squinting and giving him a look.

'Yep. We're almost there,' he chuckled and looked forward.

I could see cars and trees in the background.

'Are you doing this and driving too!? Liam please don't die!' I whine.

'Haha! Niall is holding the phone, love,' he laughs.

My heart skipped a beat again. I just love his voice and accent! Silently screaming in my head.

'Ello!' Niall turned the camera towards him and waved. 'We're close!'

'Yay!' Lenix said jumping slightly off the ground.

I suddenly felt nervous. This was really happening!

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