Quirk Apprehension Test

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Mr Aizawa had led us outside to begin explaining the test. He explained that the test is designed to gauge the mastery of our quirks and that it's very similar to the physical exams most students took in middle school except we apply our quirk to it.

He then proceeded to call a student by the name of Bakugou to help demonstrate. "Bakugou come here and use your quirk to throw this ball as far as you can in the air. You should significantly increase your throw when using your quirk. "

"Now proceed."


'Hmm this one seems to have a bit of anger management issues, I should be careful around him,' I thought.

"705.3 meters, Bakugou. See I told you your reach would significantly increase," stated Mr Aizawa.

After that everyone started getting riled up and excited about this test.

"WOW this is so cool."
"This is gonna be so fun!"

"You think this is fun. This is a serious examination designed to test whether or not your quirks have the potential to take on real villains one day. If I deem you to be lacking in potential I won't hesitate to expel a single one of you and I certainly will expel who ever places last, that is my guarantee. Do you understand, class?"

"Yes Mr Aizawa," said the class in unison. "Good now let's begin with the 50 meter dash," replied Mr Aizawa.

Everyone had finally done their dash except for me, now it's my turn.

"Senju, now it's your turn let's see if you can impress me with this."

I lined up at the line and went when told to. I speeded myself up with a lighting style chakra cloak (like 4th Raikage).

"Very good, with 1.57 seconds, you are the fastest in class"

Still being fastest in class isn't enough for me. Great grand uncle, Tobirama was able to move at instantaneous speeds using his jutsu. I suppose I'll just have to study and practice his Flying Raijinn Jutsu if I hope to rival his speed, a simple lightning style chakra quirk is not enough.

After that we took other tests which I did excel in. However I noticed one straggler, that being Midoriya, I notice he's not really using his quirk, I wonder why, does he not know how to control it properly? However, despite his shortcomings I see a strong sense of determination, that of a true hero.

'He's about to do his ball throw test, I'm curious how things will play out for him here' I thought.

He's about to throw has ball but I sense a strong surge of powerful energy build up within him, one that strangely reminds me of All Might when he uses his quirk. Then it suddenly dissipates. It then hit me our teacher is pro hero Eraserhead, this must be his doing.

I was correct and Eraserhead started scolding Midoriya over things I could not hear.

Midoriya then threw his ball in the air however, unlike last time energy was built up only in his fingers which caused them to break. I think I understand know his body can't handle the built up energy which causes his bones to break. Still I can't ignore the similarities between him and All Might, I'll be sure to keep this in mind.

"705.3 meters, good you followed my advice, Midoriya."

Midoriya's sudden improvement did shock everyone, but still it's not enough to save him from last place. But then suddenly Bakugou lashed out in anger at Midoriya using his quirk. He almost hit Midoriya however, he was stopped not by Eraserhead's erasure but by my Water Prison Jutsu.

"Bakugou, using quirks against students is unacceptable. Don't do it again," said Eraserhead.

"Yeah yeah whatever." He then started to approach me and said with anger "Senju, don't you ever cross me again, I will beat you and Midoriya. So watch yourself."

After that encounter it was finally my turn at the ball throw. I had infused a concentration of chakra along my arms to boost my strength.

"843 meters."
"Now it's time to see your individual final results on screen."

'I'm number one on screen but unfortunately Midoriya is in last place, that's a shame' I thought.

"Oh I was just kidding about actually expelling anyone," said Mr Aizawa.

"WHAAAAT! You lied to us!" Said everyone in class 1A

"It was just a way to motivate everyone to do their best so, no worries."

After our test I had met and conversated with many of my classmates. And then I finally made my way home.

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