Mission Failed: Bakugou Gone

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It felt like eternity we were there standing like fools. Fools that couldn't even protect their friend. We all felt an indescribable sense of regret and sorrow weighing heavily upon our souls.

No one had said a thing. Except a few shouts and cries from us who saw Bakugou get snatched away.

In no time Aizawa emerged from the woods and looked around, confusion and concern was painted on his face.

"What the hell happened where?!?" He said looking at each and every one.

"K-k-kacchan h-he w-" Midoriya muttered out, unable to complete his sentence as tears poured down his face.

"He was taken by the villains, taken by Kurogiri's Warp Gate." I said despaired.

Shock was written across Aizawa's face and he was at a loss for words.

"I suppose we'll discuss details, but I promise we'll get him back. Now all of you, follow me back to camp."

"W-wait, did alot of people get injured, do you know?" I asked a bit panicked.

He looked back and said, "alot of people had inhaled the poison gas and some others got their heads banged up. All I can say is that alot of people took some really bad injuries."

Well that's all I need to know then. I guess I have no choice but to use my forbidden jutsu. At this rate it could kill me, but that doesn't matter. I failed as a Hokage today, I couldn't protect him so the least I could do is help those around me.

"One of you, prepare to carry back to camp, I don't think I'll be walking," I said while offering no proper explanation.

Once I said that everyone looked right at me with a confused expression as I sat on the ground crisscross whilst holding my hands together to concentrate my chakra.

"What do you mean by that, just what exactly are you doing?" Questioned Todoroki.

"Forbidden jutsu," I began to explain while starting to feel weakened, "a jutsu that redistributes my vitality to those in need of healing in a large radius. Essentially it's instantaneous long range healing, although it takes a hefty toll on me. With my current condition it isn't exactly safe for me but it must be done."

Just then my vitality manifested itself as a blue aura which shot into Midoriya, causing his injuries to be healed. Then all my energy started to pour out of me and enter everyone else who needed it. I-I'm starting to feel weaker by the second.

I think I'm gonna faint...

Two days later:

My eyes shot open, taking in my surroundings. I was in a hospital bed with a bunch of tubes attached to me. I felt strangely energized despite what happened. Anyways how long have I been here I wonder.

I sat in bed thinking about alot of things that happened for about 30 minutes but it didn't even feel that much time had passed. Just then my thoughts were interrupted when All Might in his weakened form walked in alongside Officer Tsukauchi.

"Ah young M/n, you're awake! The doctors said you'd be waking up today so we've been here today. How are you feeling?!?" greeted All Might.

"I think I feel fine," I told him, "but more importantly I need to know what's been going on about this Bakugou situation."

They then filled me in on the situation. That the police have been working nonstop with their investigation. So far it seems they've made significant progress. They've even narrowed down 2 locations to target. Another thing that gave more reason that the villains were hiding in these sites was that my kunai I threw at the villain that took Bakugou was found in the vicinity.

I was told that tomorrow there was going to be a meeting tomorrow at 6pm to discuss the rescue plan amongst the police and other heroes. I was invited to join as I am Hokage and since my quickly planned defensive strategy at the camp was noted to be greatly effective. So they decided that my presence would be beneficial for the operation.

Afterwards they headed out and the room was left to myself. So I sat and thought about what could be done about this. Quickly my mind began coming up with ideas and strategies for this rescue. But one thing I knew for certain was that All For One had to be taken out, with him around situations like this would just keep on happening.

I'm gonna have to think things through until tomorrow's meeting. I think I might need to get some words of advice and wisdom from someone with more experience, I'm not so sure who though.

Shortly after I was discharged and sent home, to which I was greeted with a giant meal prepared by my mother and Jiraiya.

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