The 4th Hokage

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"Say If I'm not mistaken you don't have a hero name picked out right?"

I nodded at him.

"Well then for your hero name, starting tomorrow, you will be the Fourth Hokage."

When those words left his mouth I was left speechless. Afterall it is alot to take in. The hero name Hokage is probably one of the most well known and respected hero names. And everyone who held that title was legendary to say the least. For the three that held this hero name, they'll go down amongst the greatest heroes of all time. Not only for their strength acts of heroism, but also for their acts of civic duty, leadership, and vast wisdom that would inspire many.

"Sarutobi Sensei, you can't be serious can you? I mean me...the Fourth Hokage. Surely someone else will take upon this title," I told him bluntly.

"You don't think you're worthy of that title now do you?"

I quickly shook my head no. He then began to laugh uncontrollably. I got a bit discouraged by that and became depressed.

Once Sarutobi calmed down from his laughter he started to speak again, while wiping tears from laughing so much

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Once Sarutobi calmed down from his laughter he started to speak again, while wiping tears from laughing so much.

"You really are Hashirama's great grandchild I'll give you that. But to answer your question, I am serious and fully believe your capable of living up to the expectation set by this hero name."

He paused briefly but quickly carried on, "In my lifetime as Hokage I have done many great things for this society of heroes. While they still hold meaning and importance, I cannot deny the fact that times are changing and I'm simply now too old to keep up with such things. And as everyone knows I've mostly withdrawn from the scenes and let guys like All Might and Endeavor take these responsibilities. All that has made me realize that this society needs a new Hokage one that is younger and stronger than I, one that can lead and take a stand against the League of Villains. And there's no better replacement than a Senju, a Senju that possesses strength on par with Hashirama and Tobirama. You've proven your resilience time and time again. So, M/n Senju, do you accept the position of Fourth Hokage or not?"

Once he finished his little speech I felt a spark of fire being ignited within me. One that burned with confidence, purpose, and determination. So there's only one answer I could tell him.

"I accept!"

He smiled proudly and summoned the Hokage hat into his hand and he then handed it to me.

"Try it on, m/n."

I then did as he said and put the Hokage hat on.

He then looked at me up and down, he then smiled kindly at me again, "You know with that hat on and with that armor of yours, you look just like your great grandfather."

He walked closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder, "You'll do many great things as Hokage, I just know it."

He then explained that as former Hokage he'll be happy to help advise me and help me prepare for the responsibilities as the Fourth Hokage.
He then dramatically poofed out of existence with a teleportation jutsu, which left me alone in the battlefield area with this hat on.

Might as well go to the viewing room to see the rest of my classmates matches. And so I can show off this new hat of mine. As well as tell them my hero name.

Sooner than later I was right in front of the door to the viewing room. I then opened the door I saw a few of my classmates in there.

All their focus was on Uraraka and it looked as though she had just walked in

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All their focus was on Uraraka and it looked as though she had just walked in. Ah that's right, while I was talking with Sarutobi her match must have been happening.

Midoriya then looked over and saw me, he then waved at me as I walked over.

"You did amazing in your match against the Hokage, you handled things like a real pro," praised Midoriya. "But what's with that hat you have on?"

Yaoyorozu then added on, "That's what I wanna know to afterall that is the Hokage's hat, which I'm surprised you didn't recognize that Midoriya."

"Well then my friends, I shall tell you about this hat of mine and answer your question," I said as I started a little dance so that I can talk about myself and give myself compliments, something I undoubtedly picked up from the Toad Sage himself after seeing his routine so many times.

"Well then my friends, I shall tell you about this hat of mine and answer your question," I said as I started a little dance so that I can talk about myself and give myself compliments, something I undoubtedly picked up from the Toad Sage himself ...

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"I, m/n Senju. Great grandchild of the First Hokage. Child of a Legendary Sannin. Defeater of the Nomu. The Sports Festival winner. Am now the Fourth Hokage!"

Everyone gasped at this sudden news.

"You're the Fourth Hokage, m/n!?!?" Asked Midoriya excitedly.

"Why yes Midoriya, and that's Lord Fourth to you, underling," I said with a cold and serious tone.

Midoriya then grew shy and timid as he didn't expect me to say something like this. "Oh...U-um. I'm s-sorry m/n. I-I mean Lord Fourth Hokage."

I continued to stare at him with a stone cold face as he started to shudder out of discomfort. I then started to laugh hysterically.

"Ahahahaha! You should've seen the look on your face! Ahahaha! You know I'm kidding right! Ahahaha!"
I said between fits of laughter.

Everyone in the group sweatdroped and then laughed too.

They then cheered for me and told me how great it is that I'm the new Hokage. They then suggested I should get a custom made coat with the red and white color scheme of the traditional Hokage robes, I'll have to look into that.

For the remainder of the school day I watched everyone's matches and after that was done I headed home.

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