All For One

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I teleported right in front of All Might and stared down All For One. I slightly turned around and placed my hand on All Might's shoulder, teleporting him back to base. Now it was just me and the number one villain himself.

"You're 4th Hokage, M/n Senju. And just as I was about to eliminate All Might you show up. I suppose I'll just take you down as well."

I quickly threw a marked kunai right at him and before he even realized it I had already teleported behind him, striking his back with a Rasengan.

I quickly threw a marked kunai right at him and before he even realized it I had already teleported behind him, striking his back with a Rasengan

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As he fell foward I grabbed ahold of the same kunai and threw it right in front of him. I teleported and struck him with a Rasengan to the face which sent him stumbling back.

I then began infusing my leg with heavy amounts of chakra. Now Summoning Jutsu: Triple Rashomons.

Just then three rashomons emerged from the ground right behind All For One

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Just then three rashomons emerged from the ground right behind All For One. I then jumped right in front him and delivered a very strong kick to his chest which sent him flying through each rashomon and sent smoke to form in the area.

I jumped on top of the last rashomon he went through and began to speak to him.

"You are severely mistaken, All For One! The one who shall be taken down is you! You have committed such atrocities that as Hokage I will not allow you to walk free any longer! You have only two options. Give up now, or regret it forever."

Just then a strange tendril of red and black broke through the smoke cloud and headed right at me. As it was about to pierce my body I threw my kunai on the ground next to him and teleported.

Once again I was about to hit him with a Rasengan when suddenly I was shot with a massive burst of pressurized air which sent me flying. As I hit the ground, All For One had already reached me and his arm became covered in spikes as he shouted.


Just as he was about to hit me I had weaved the signs for the Substitution Jutsu so he only hit a block of wood.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!"

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!"

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"Air Cannon!"

My jutsu then collided with his air cannon which caused a miniature hurricane but it then dispersed, sending droplets of water everywhere.

We then ran at each other, Rasengan in my hand and his having a large spike to it. My Rasengan then made contact with his spike which had created sparks of energy and blew us both back.

I then created six Wood Clones and sent them running at All For One, each of them with a Rasengan in hand. All of them jumped at him and they all managed to hit him with their Rasengan.

He roared in anger and proceeded to fight off the wood clones. Now while he's distracted I shall do this.

Wood Dragon Jutsu!

The dragon emerges from the ground and quickly flew at All For One. It wrapped around him, constricting him like an anaconda. The dragon then threw All For One a great distance and with powerful force. The wood dragon then flew where he landed again and struck the area with its tail.

Multiple red tendrils then shot through the air and pierced the wood dragon. They then completely shreaded the wood dragon apart.

Now I'll finish this. I put my hand together and immediately absorbed nature energy which invoked Sage Mode.

 I put my hand together and immediately absorbed nature energy which invoked Sage Mode

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Now, Sage Art: True Several Thousand Hands!

The massive wooden structure then began emerging beneath my feet. Once the entire structure was complete I launched my jutsu. Hundreds upon hundreds of wooden hands launched foward, striking where All For One was.

Once every single wooden hand struck at him I created a wood dragon which wrapped around him.

I sent a wood clone at him, which stabbed his shoulder and collected the blood that spilled out in a glass. That glass was then delivered back to me.

"I gave you the choice to surrender and you refused. Now I understand you won't ever listen to reason. You toy with and ruin lives for the sake of your own twisted schemes. Is it simply for pleasure or are they means to an end I wonder. Regardless, you are an abomination that possesses a dangerous quirk. A quirk you don't deserve. A quirk that I may consider too evil to exist."

I then summoning one of the ancient boxes I was given and poured his blood into it.

"I shall now take from you, your quirk! For the rest of your life you shall be quirkless! Quirk Sealing Jutsu!"

The box then began to glow red as an aura radiated from All For One and into the box itself. That went on for a few minutes until his quirk was completely absorbed by the box. Once that happened the box simply glowed red lines on its surface.

I then released him from the wood dragon as he stumbled forward. He desperately tried activating his quirk but always failed. He tried attacking me but he just couldn't. Eventually he just gave up and sat there without saying a word.

Now all that has to be done is this.

Vitalic Redistribution Jutsu.

I glowed a blue aura which shot straight into the air and entered into those he needed healing. No one was going to die from this catastrophe. And I won't be fainting like last time. I then created a massive amount of wood clones so that they may start a search and rescue.

Soon enough police and a bunch of media showed up at the scene. The police put All For One in chains and he was taken into a SWAT vehicle. Whereas the media were taking video and pictures of me. I also had begun to hear massive amounts of cheering from every direction.

As the cheering continued I raised my right hand up in victory. I then dramatically turned my back to the cameras pointed to the lettering on my block that said 4th Hokage. I then grabbed a kunai and etched a singular sentence onto it.

I threw it to my left and every camera zoomed in on it as I raised my right hand up once again. And for dramatic effect I teleported out of the area, leaving only the kunai.

Etched onto the kunai was a singular sentence, "I won't back down, I'm coming."

A message for the League of Villains.

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