Bakugou's Rescue

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I had arrived at the meeting right on time and there were alot of police officers and pro heroes. Of course I was also wearing my 4th Hokage cloak and traditional headpiece. Once everyone had showed up we began discussing our plan for rescuing Bakugou.

Prior to the actual meeting the police had located two definite League of Villains hideouts. Additionally, they also determined which of these hideouts they had Bakugou in, whereas the other hideout was actually a Nomu factory. After alot of talking it was decided that Best Jeanist would lead a team of heroes and police to raid the Nomu factory (team 2). Simultaneously, All Might would lead an equally capable team to rescue Bakugou (team 1).

Although it was a good plan I felt it could be improved upon to include a prior step. What I had in mind was a way that we could deceive the villains into believing we were multiple steps behind so that their guards would be lowered. Also an attempt to boost public support for UA.

After thinking this through I proposed that in the hour before Bakugou's rescue operation takes place that UA's faculty holds a press conference designed to achieve those things. With principal Nezu, Mr. Aizawa, and Vlad King once again relaying the misfortune that happened but also my contribution which was not yet public knowledge. Additionally, those three would act ignorant on regards to these developments. In turn the villains would feel a false sense of reassurance that their plans would go smoothly. I also suggested that I send a clone of myself towards the end of the conference to publicly announce myself as 4th Hokage and to give an inspiring speech.

Everyone else agreed that this was a good idea that should help with the mission. They also suggested that I place my mark on both All Might and Best Jeanist so that I may act as backup for both teams in situations where I deem it absolutely necessary. I would also remain at headquarters to supervise each teams progress via drones and handle communication between both teams. I would also act as a sensory guide and inform each team of any sudden changes in the event Bakugou's or another villains location changes.

The Next Day:
Location: Police Headquarters

The UA press conference was about to wrap up with my Wood Clone about to take stage. He then revealed myself as 4th Hokage and then began giving an inspiring speech about determination, justice, and securing a brighter future. He then ended the speech with a promise to find Bakugou and seek out any and all villains and bring them to justice.

"Well I'd say that turned out just well, wouldn't you all agree?" I asked as I turned around to face some police officers and heroes.

I was met with a bunch of nods and statements of approval.

Well I suppose it's time to start this rescue then. I then turned on the intercom system and began speaking, "Teams 1 and 2, mobilize with your respective team leader and head out."

At my command both teams began their respective assignments. As time flew by myself and the officers at headquarters began receiving updates on each respective team. Additionally we were watching live drone footage of each team.

Each teams assignments seemed to be going smoothly for the moment. We had received word from Offcer Tsukauchi that All Might and the other heroes had begun their raid to save Bakugou. Confirmation from Best Jeanist also came in stating that the Nomu factory was secured.

A little while later something extremely alarming happened. The whole Nomu factory had suddenly collapsed from what seemed like a large shockwave. Because of all the debris and smoke the drones couldn't give us a clear view of what happened. We'll just have to try relocating to get a better look. Headquarters also tried communicating with Best Jeanist or anyone on his team but it seemed our signals were blocked. I'll have to let All Might know about this.

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